Blood Secret

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Even when the night was cold, my soul felt a little warmer because I could see my younger brother Zee again after so much time.

- Ae, is it really you? - he observed me from head to toe. - Look at you!! You look exactly like dad. -

- Do you believe that? -

- Yes, brother, when he gets to know that you're back, he will be very happy - my younger brother hadn't changed at all.

He kept being optimistic and trustful as always. He had lived so long with the family and yet, hadn't learned anything. 

I was a dark stain on my family, a sin, a dirty little secret that shouldn't be unburied, it should have remained in the shadows forever.

So, why had they called me?

What was going on in that house for needing me? Why now?

- Tell me about you Ae - Zee's voice brought me back from my train of thoughts. - I want to know everything that has happened to you during these last years because since you left, no one ever talked about you again. Every time I asked about you, they evaded the topic o just kept silent. I am so sorry I couldn't help you.

- Calm down Zee, we were just kids, you couldn't have been able to do anything, besides, I know exactly how the family is. I know how cruel and ruthless they can be when you break the rules. Believe me, I have never blamed you for anything, the only thing I did was miss you.

- Guys, you have had years without meeting each other but we need to plan a way to stop the family from sending Ae away from us again. - my friend was right.

- As usual Can, you always break the moment, but it's true when the grandparents get to know that I am here, we will have serious problems for sure.

- Like you had said Ae, before, we were just kids, but now we are grown men and they won't make us be apart again, that's a promise. - Zee mentioned.

But why did I feel that our promise will be broken soon?

- Sorry guys, have you seen Pete? - an unknown boy approached us, asking about his friend.

- What do you mean if we have seen him? He came! - the attitude of my brother made me feel curious.

- Yes, I invited him, you know he's my best friend, but I left him for just a little while cause my dad had called me to know if his countryside house wasn't destroyed by a bunch of drunken teenagers and when I got back, he wasn't here. I'm really worried because he doesn't know the area. - Zee looked truly scared and sad.

Who was Pete?

"He seemed to be very important to him."

- What are we doing here? We should look for him - Zee's friend suggested.

- Yes Tin, let's go. Ae, it would be better if you stay here and wait for us since you don't know him. 

- Ok - I let the three of them go looking for this boy, but something inside me made me feel restless. - Why?

I couldn't stay here, I would look for him too, 'cause I knew perfectly well all this area, and how wouldn't I, I have been living in a small cottage, away from everyone, near here, for nine years.

I always wait for nightfall to run free in the woods, if someone could find him, it was me, but when I got to the forest, something strange happened.

"There was a different scent surrounding the woods, which was intoxicating, addictive, so sweet that it blurred my senses and made me feel dizzy, so much, that everything went black."

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