Footprints on the snow

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While Zee was driving, I was watching how the snow was falling and I remembered the day of the party, it had just passed a week since that day, but my life had changed a lot.

First, it was the encounter with the silver wolf and then his arrival in my life.

Ae, this seemed to be the only word my lips could pronounce.

I was so tired, I knew I shouldn't have gone with Zee, but he insisted so much, and I just wanted to get away from the University cause Ae's presence was everywhere.

My eyelids were so heavy that suddenly I didn't know anything anymore when I opened my eyes, I was in a forest covered with snow, everything looked so magical and wonderful, it seemed to be an illusion.

I heard noises far away from where I was standing so I hid, what I saw afterward was impressive, it was a big wolf pack with wolves that had different colors of fur, but what called, even more, my attention was that, at the front of the group of wolves, there was a silver wolf, I took a closer look at him and realized that he was unique, there wasn't any other like him in the pack in front of my eyes.

I asked myself why he was so special.

This place was strange, that's why I believed that everything was a dream, but the snow is falling over me, and it looks so real, besides, I'm cold.

I should go and try to wake up, but my curiosity was at its peak, I need to know why that wolf appeared in my dreams.

I hid once again, trying to observe everything, though I'm not sure if they can see me, what I saw next was astonishing: it made me shiver.

It was another wolf pack, but these wolves were all white, so beautiful, and apparently, they were willing to fight among them.

But I got the impression that the silver wolf doesn't want to.

Suddenly, the battle between both packs started and it was horrible to see how the blood stains covered the white snow, immediately, many wolves started to die, and I can see that the silver wolf has gone away.

I started running after him and I remember my previous dream, where he has running away.

I don't know where he has gone, but my heart feels anguished, for some unknown reason, I need to find him.

I started looking for him everywhere until I found some footprints on the snowy ground and saw a cave. My first instinct was to enter there, although this time, maybe the wolf would eat me, while I'm approaching, something stops me. I hear voices, Is someone there? So, I started walking slowly, and what I saw just made my blood freeze.

There was a young brunette boy, around 14 years old, who was hugging tightly the silver wolf, what shocked me to the bone was that it was me, a younger version of me, it was as if I were looking at my reflection.

My head wanted to combust, and my heart was on the verge of having a heart attack, then the boy looked at me and disappeared as if we just became one person just by looking into each other's eyes, then I noticed that the wolf started to walk towards me.

- You know that I will never hurt you - the wolf said. I was listening to his voice inside my head. - You know it, don't you Pete? -

"And it was true, I knew he wouldn't harm me, I didn't know how, but I felt it inside my heart."

"I couldn't stand it anymore; I was extremely confused!"

- What the hell is happening here? - I screamed because I didn't know what was going on. I started to cry, and the wolf approached my face and licked my tears to clean them.

Silver Night (English version)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt