A bad day

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When I arrived home, Zee was still waiting for me, I had the urge to push him out of my house, but I controlled myself.

In the end, he wasn't guilty of Ae's attitude, and I wasn't a child anymore to throw a tantrum, but tonight, I was really upset.

- Pete, what took you so long? - I tried to smile, but on the inside, I was thinking:

"Please Zee, don't worsen my bad mood."

- Sorry, I didn't know you were coming Zee.

- I'm sorry I didn't tell you beforehand Pete, but I needed to tell you something that cannot wait. - he looked anxious.

- Tell me - I said, without wanting to hear him.

- I need that tomorrow, after college, you come with me to a place that I'm sure you will love, what say, Pete? -

- Yes, it's ok Zee - I answered just to make him go.

- Ok, so I let you rest and see you tomorrow. -

"Was that all?"

Damn, I was so angry, but there was nothing I could do, so I entered my home and went to sleep.

The next day, my mood was still very bad, I couldn't sleep well, thinking about Ae's attitude.

I was feeling so down, that I didn't want to eat breakfast, and when I was on my way to the university, it started to rain. So it seemed that I would have another bad day.

I tried to run to avoid getting wet, at least, as much as I could, but a car passed on my side at high speed and drenched me completely.

Really, this day was going from bad to worse. The only thing I could do was to continue walking.

"But once again, something stopped me."

It was Ae, who was riding his motorcycle.

Why? Why damn it?

Why is he so attractive and mysterious? The rain made him seem even sexier than he already is.

Damn! He looked so delectable!

And, why am I still here?

"Looking like a total idiot, standing under the rain, contemplating him like if he were a star, the most handsome and most unreachable of all."

- Pete, what are you doing there? Come with me, get on! - only one word from him and I obeyed as if my body belonged to him.

"Damn it!"

I wanted to run away from him, but right now, my hands are around his waist, and it feels so good!

His body is the biggest temptation for me, since I saw him, I felt attracted to him, but I didn't know what kind of feelings they were.

With him, everything was strange, I wasn't sure about anything anymore, and what worsen everything, was his exquisite and intoxicating scent that invaded my senses completely.

I knew it was wrong, but I couldn't stop inhaling his scent as if his presence could take over my whole being.

I told myself, Pete, just this once, so I hugged him tighter and laid my head on his back, I closed my eyes while letting my heart melt for him because after arriving at school, I will tell him to stay away from me.

One part of me will die when I tell him this, but what I feel for him, is so intense and deep and it has happened in just a short time, besides, Zee was still here too and I couldn't stand this anymore.

I wondered when my love story became a love triangle.

"In which moment did Ae enter in my heart?"

I just had more questions than answers.

I decided to stop thinking and just allowed myself to enjoy this moment, being by his side, because when you love someone, only one moment by his side could be the most wonderful memory of your life.

And that small moment of happiness could transform into the light you need to survive in this gloomy world.

Although the rain was still going strong, my body felt warm because the warmth that Ae irradiated was so intense that it hugged every fiber in me.

It looked as if my body was desperately looking for a way to fuse with every part of his.

I wished that he could listen to how my heart was beating just for him.

"But everything good has come to an end."

When we arrived at the university I felt like "Cinderella" when the clock stroke twelve and the spell of her fairy godmother disappeared.

- Pete, come on, let's go. - I had to tell him to stay away from me, but he looked at me with such a tender gaze that it hurt very much.

- Wait Ae! I need to tell you something! -

- Now? why don't we enter and you tell me later Pete - he offered his hand so I could enter, but if I followed him, it would be a mistake.

- No, it has to be now, Ae!! - if I didn't do it now, I knew, I would never do it.

"Because even when I knew nothing about him, I already felt that I belonged to him"

And it was the moment to cut this bond with him, even if doing so would completely destroy me.

- Aee - my voice was breaking - do me a last favor, please. -

- Yes, tell me - Damn, he looks so gorgeous, I want to cry but I have to continue.

- Please, stay away from me. Do as if I didn't exist, as if I were invisible. -

- Why Pete? Why are you asking me this? - he looked so sad and confused - I can't! I don't want to! Pete, I... - I didn't allow him to continue talking and sealed his lips with my fingers.

- Ae, I do not know, but I feel it is what's best for us both - I gave him a peck on his cheek and left him there.

I couldn't breath properly, I felt as if my soul had been ripped from my body.

The pain was so unbearable that I didn't know how to unleash it, so I just let my heart vent.

I cried as if I were a child who knew that his mom won't come back to him, I didn't know how much time had passed.

I wanted to leave for good and let the sadness consume me somewhere else, but I had classes, so I went to my locker.

I changed clothes and when I went outside to the hall, my ears were buzzing and my chest hurt very much.

My heart was harmed and I felt this was going to be just the first of many more injuries that it will receive.

Ae's arrival in my life has just brought chaos and pain to me.

Why Ae? Why are you pushing me away? What are you hiding?

Every passing moment I felt more and more tired and then everything was darkness...


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