Moon Song

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I couldn't forget Zee's face when I told him that I wasn't sure about my feelings for him, even I was surprised cause the words spilled from my mouth by themselves, but I felt better being honest with him.

I confirmed that when people say that if you're honest with yourself, you'll free your heart from the darkness that doesn't allow you to see what you really desire. Even though I had told him about my uncertainty about my feelings for him, Zee asked me for a chance, I told him I would think about it, but...

Am I really that disappointed about him that made my feelings change so fast?

I didn't know, I was so confused, but I think that if I accept going out with him, I will find out.

After finishing my homework, I decided I would rest for a little while, but it was impossible to do it because I was still dreaming about the silver wolf.

The dreams were more terrifying with the passing of the days, more realistic. The wolf was now covered with blood, and I could listen to whispers that became horrifying yells, everything was more confusing and scarier.

"But there was something more, the gaze from the wolf had also changed, his eyes shown a deep sadness."

Suddenly, I woke up, I was very puzzled and covered with sweat, so I decided I should take a shower and then, go outside to see the moon.

My beautiful and bright friend, you guard the mesmerizing nocturne sky.

Do you know what's happening to me? I couldn't stop a loud sigh from escaping my lips, due to the frustrations I was feeling.

All of the sudden, I heard a sweet song, it was a mystical melody that sounded like an echo inside my heart.

It was as if this song pulled me towards it, so I left my house and followed the soft and melodic sound. I walked and walked until I saw a silhouette among the shadows.

I approached slowly and while doing it, I could see the face of whom was playing, it was Ae, he had his eyes closed while playing his flute. The music that was played by his lips, sounded ancient, evoking ages from the past.  I didn't know how, but I felt like that.

"Something within me was screaming at me, I was so drunk with the melody, but what really had me hypnotized was the image that was in front of me. "

Ae's face looked so sexy, more than usual, he looked so relaxed and calm, I believe that I felt amazingly comfortable with him, cause his eyes, which are always like a deep and grand ocean full of secrets that pierced my heart, were closed. It was the first time that I felt so peaceful around someone.

- Will you continue watching me like that all night? - his voice startled me.

- Mmmm, I-I-I, noo-oo - I had been discovered - Sorry, but I didn't want to interrupt you, I'm so sorry. -

- Don't worry Pete, I'm not bothered, it's just that I have never had an audience when I play, but I'm glad that you're here. -

"Again, he's giving me that gaze, why?"

- We-ee-ll I-I-I... - I didn't know why I was stuttering.

Why did he make me feel so nervous?

- I--I-I mmmm, sorry Ae, it's just that I-I-I... - I continued with my endless mumbling, like a fool.

- I know, remember that I know that you're shy Pete - he declared with a smile.

- Yes! That's it, besides, I didn't want to interrupt you -

- You will never interrupt me! - he was so kind that I felt really good being by his side. - Whenever you want, you can come and listen to me, playing my flute, cause, you liked it, didn't you? -

- Yes Ae, the song is beautiful, but, what's its name? -

- The name is Moon Song - I was feeling goosebumps because of his presence, but I tried to cover them up by talking about his song.

- It has a wonderful name, who taught it to you? -

- It was my father, but that happened a long time ago. - he looked sad while talking about him - tell me, Pete, did you really like it? -

- Yes! the song emits a sweet and melancholic feeling, but I also feel peaceful when I listen to it. - his eyes sparkled at my words.

- That's the way I feel when I play it. - he added- it's a very strong feeling that you wouldn't want to stop listening to, it helps me to stop thinking about my problems. It makes the sadness disappear with each note and I can remind myself that there's much more than just pain and suffering in the world. Even the prettiest roses have thorns and even though they are ethereal, they sweeten our lives with their exquisite scent, they will eventually die, but they will leave an impression of their existence by being able to blossom in this cruel world. 

"For the first time, I felt as if my soul wanted to be part of his"

Every word he said was extraordinary, magical, unique, it was like I had already listened to them before and they would have been engraved somewhere in my memory or, maybe, in a fragment of my soul.

- Sorry if I make you feel bored Pete - he smiled adorably while, without noticing, something in me was blooming.

- No Ae, I was just thinking about what you have just said, it's true, despite this world seems hopeless, we shouldn't give up cause even in the sadness, there's beauty. Life is always tough, but if your heart doesn't lose faith, then everything is possible.

- I'm glad to hear you saying those words Pete, since we met, I thought that you were a very special person and now, I can realize that you shine more than what I initially thought, you're so bright that I don't want anyone to hurt you - his gaze became sweeter while saying these.

My heart clenched while he was talking, his smile seemed sad, and his eyes looked at me with melancholy.

I didn't notice when he put his hands on my cheeks and caress them softly, in that moment, I desired that this would never end.

Why? Why do I feel like this when I am with Ae?

What are my feelings for him?


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