Episode 5 ; truths breakout

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"What do you mean I can't see him?"

"It is as i said, madam. The prison is currently in a riot and we are unable to accept visitors at this time."

Tu-chu-chu Boom!

Explosions of fire resounded in the sky and waves of knights could be seen charging into the prison to quell the violence.

Slamming a sparkling gold-platinum badge onto the table I spoke demandingly in front of the guard, "i am a peak-grade gold descender! I am willing to aid in stopping the riot."

The guard had an impressed look as he gawked at the badge before looking up at me, "are you selling your services as a mercenary, lady Seer?"

"Im proposing as a volunteer! The knights are probably low rank silvers at best. Several of the prisoners in there are gold rank. As a nearly platinum rank, i can go in and quell them!" Frosted mist enveloped my fist spreading onto the table as my frustration with the guard grew evident.

"As what you say is true, madam, i will allow you to help. But you better not tell anyone i let you in." The metal gate opened and the guard whispered, "save as many people as you can."

Running through i didn't respond back flowing the coattails of my short skirt behind me.

Strife, i have so many question for you.

If Strife was an ordinary person I wouldn't be doing this. He saved my life twice and I'm grateful for it but the power he uses is not magic. There is not even a trace of mana on his body.

It's different but its similar to the infamous Cayden Barbaten's who died fighting four descended gods and killed one of them while injuring two more!

Ive watched the videos repeatedly. If Strife really is using that power then i need to know if he has a connection with Cayden. I need to know if Cayden is alive!

"Haha! Burn! Burn! Burn!!!" A deranged madman was shouting atop the main entrance spewing flames of fire out from all his orifices. Knights were hiding behind walls to avoid the heat unable to even get close.

With no time for him and needing to find Strife before he disappears i shot a white cloud freezing him in a block of ice in a split of a second, "get the mana restraints on him immediately!" As the frigid block slid to the floor from the roof i went through the main doors finding several men in bloody fights

"Wait, madam! Come back!"

Ignoring their calls i continued running, forming an ice sword in my hand.

"Pretty lady~" a frog like freak came jumping towards me, extending my sword its cold edge went right through the back of his skull as he flew forward unable to dodge it.

Leaving the sword in his skull i formed a new one, "second floor cells! Where is the second floor?" My eyes scanned the signs as i reached a crossroads following the ones pointing right.

Eventually i arrived at the cafeteria where men and woman were beating each other to death with their trays while the guards and knights fought desperately to restrain them. A nature mage was aiding them wrapping the prisoners in vines but was also combating a poison mage struggling to hold his breath.

Aiding them i seeped out the cold mist enveloping me, freezing the poison in the air and slowing the movements of the prisoners.

"Thank you, madam!" The guards made quick work reapplying the mana shackles as the prisoners strugglingly resisted

Approaching the supposed warden who was sitting on a bench with blood trickling down his arm and cranium, breathing tiredly i asked, "do you know where a person called Strife is?"

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