Episode 10 ; capital of the shattered

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Exiting the portal i found myself standing on the opposite side of the black stone gazebo where i had entered it. Past the columns and short stairwell i could see the four terrorists being thrown into a barred carriage, still trying to preach their beliefs to the watching crowd but I tuned it out.

The knights that would have been guarding this side were gone, making it simple to just walk away without disruption as i lifted the black hood of my coat to cover my appearance, feeling the white fur on its inside warm me from the cold air of Sesari.

The air inside the throne-world had no real temperature, being at the perfect point where it was neither warm nor cold so the chilly winds hit me by surprise making me genuinely feel them.

Looking up at the sky from under my hood, i stayed staring at the sun trying to differentiate what time it was from it's position. Around... 15:47? I had around another hour until Aster's final day of school life came to an end and we would start heading to the capital by foot and sea.

It had already been so long that there was only two months left until the royal banquet and it would take one of those months by ordinary means to reach the central isle's port and then another week to reach the capital. Theres a two week leeway time I've given myself so as long as nothing annoying happens like the person tailing me it should be over quickly.

Turning into an alleyway the stranger followed into the darkness but was flabbergasted when he saw i had vanished. Running further down they didn't realize i had just hidden behind a pillar as they quietly cursed. "Shit, where did-"

Pulling down their hood from behind my stalkers startled appearance didn't bring any familiarity so i didn't worry and twisted his arm behind his back, threatening to brake it in an arm lock, "would you be kind enough to say why you were following me?" My voice was polite but filled with killing intent.

Not saying anything the green haired man just looked at me furiously. Putting pressure on his arm he immediately caved, "there's a bounty for someone that looks just like you! I wasn't going to kill you! I just need the shards!""

"Thanks." With a smile i let him go, giving him a glimpse of freedom but as he was about to run away my arm swung around punching the man's skull into the wall of the alley knocking him unconscious.

'Was that really necessary?' Thorn began internally

"Its better than killing him at least." Wiping my hands I removed whatever the slimy stuff on my palms was after grabbing the man.

'Guess so. Why don't we leave a little finishing touch since you've come this far already?' Thorn shared his insidious thoughts and I felt obliged to allow him some fun.

Exiting the alleyway i whistled innocently after leaving the mugger naked and gagged in the alleyway per Thorn's recommendation.

Later, after i had spent my free time at a cafe to fill the void in my stomach after not eating anything for 8 months in the throne-world, i arrived outside the university's iron gate where rows of clan envoys and parents were waiting to pick up children of varying ages.

Most of those emerging from the gate looked to be around 15 to 16 years old, but every now and then a small swarm of newly mana awakened 10 year olds would come flooding out playing with their magic like it was a toy.

I remember I did agree to train a class briefly with the dean but I doubt she'd care considering the tip I gave her. Wasn't really a promise either but an oral request now that I think about it.

After standing around for 10 minutes and being amongst the last few of other adults waiting outside the gate, i began to get a little worried, feeling as if something bad had happened in my absence, "Aster..."

Taken Horizon Origin, volume 1, DualityDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora