Episode 13 ; the true conqueror

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"{you are... a ruthless fighter i see.}" Murex spoke tiredly whilst clutching his chest crawling out of the hole I crushed him into, keeping what scoopfuls of aether he could inside his body.

[skill; ashreaver enhancement, is humming wildly!]

"Your not too bad yourself." Panting from the tremendous drainage of aether i gathered what i could into my heart prepping for the final strike that would end this all as [ashreaver enhancement] empowered my body and dominated over the ambient aether clinging to my skin as it shielded me in assortments of golden trimmed black scales like a draconic knight

[conqueror's howl] was something i got after my evolution into a Zabraven homunculus. I didn't actually know about it either until i went into my subconscious.

There, a giant version of me wearing the same armor as I am now stood powerful and domineering over my mindscape as a mighty colossus, even 'taker of all' had a hard time going against it when it took shape as some sort of dragon-snake at the end of the fight.

That was until the colossus was 'taken' that is.

Whatever that ring was behind me though when I used it was something I hadn't expected, it's likely just an effect of the skill however so i wont worry about it too much but it's most definitely a blood-ring as it's apart of my racial skill.

Murex's left arm shattered onto the floor, leaving him with only one arm across his chest holding in his leaking ether. "{Strife... what is it you are fighting for? It is custom amongst my people to know what cause they were killed for.}" stepping forwards more of Murex's body fell off but he gathered his strength to stand

"Why i fight..." furling my shaky hand i readied my final [severance fist] as images of hell entered my mind along with memories of the message Incursik passed to me to issue my intended purpose. "I fight for the sake of conquering even death, to bring back life." Silver light emanated from my hand as the aether gathered to create corporeal claws along my black gauntlets edges.

"{heh... a foolish goal, but a noble one i can sympathize well with.}" raising his giant right arm, Murex's crystal gauntlet covered itself with red thunder. "{tell me, conqueror Strife. Is today a good day to die? I am afraid i can no longer see.}"

The black knights amber eyes were nowhere to be seen on its giant helmet of a face, its mouth just barely clinging together as Murex spoke

The beaming sun and blue sky with stray clouds were peaceful and beautiful. But the ruined stadium filled with dead bodies, blood, and rubble ruined it all with ugliness and the putrid smell of death.

"...its the perfect day to die, honourable Murex." Raising my hand [severance fist] grew unstable as it circled at an ever quickening pace turning from bright silver to a mix of darkened amber.

"{could you describe it to me? The place i will fall?}" the red lightning clouding Murex's gauntlet converged to make a thunderous spear point

Murex has been trapped in a cage long enough. I will at least let him imagine freedom. "Silver flames cover the mountainous stone, the sky is filled with clouds painting your history, the sun is dawning its brilliance onto all it warms, and a magnificent black wolf hunts on this land for its prey."

Thorn exploded out of the corner he had been backed into with a flurry of silver flames by Arthur, looking down at me from the destroyed stone stands of the stadium. 'you actually called me magnificent?' His voice was so happy that he completely forgot he was in a fight, getting slapped in the face by Arthur's sword being sent flying into a wall afterwards.

Scoffing at Thorn i listened to Murex. "{ah... home. Your description reminds me of my home, Strife.}" the red thunder spear crackled hungrily matching the tune of my impatient [severence fist]. "{Thank you for listening to my request, Strife. Now the time for talk has passed, let chaos dictate who the winner shall be!}" Full of vigour and excitement Murex shouted out.

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