Episode 6 ; ######### patience

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Sitting quietly on the ships deck i watched the recording end with Incursik running into the spatial tear after Cayde and my final memories of what happened became clearer. Things were blurred but everything was as the video showed. Cayde tried to summon a god into his body but Barbatos foiled his last ditch effort. That what i could tell at least.

But i finally acquired the truth of what happened to Cayde. To what inspired my awakening by my creator.

[video: final horizon of brothers, has ended]

I was sitting alone on the main deck lit up by the silver moon and the stars light as everyone had long since left to go to sleep.

I wasn't angry or sad or in anguish watching the unknown past. But a question instead held place in my mind

"I wonder... what was his expression as he died? Could it of been the same as that man's?"

Was Incursik angry that Cayde tried to kill himself to save him? Or was he happy in fulfilling his purpose as a brother? Keeping his promise to the original Cayden.

Thorn had stayed silent during the entire viewing as well. Sitting with a melancholy expression on his face. "So~. Cayde did care for my death after all then..."

"Of course he would..." ignoring Thorn's misspeak i continued. "Did you think I wouldn't die inside if I lost you?"

Shrugging what I said off Thorn defended himself. "I know, i know, its too soon. Just trying to lighten the mood a bit. If I didn't break the ice now you certainly wouldn't."

The plaque shrunk down the light emitting from its silver surface and was silent as the subtle humming of the wind filled my ears like a singing mother.

Getting up from my seat on the ships deck i reached out my left arm, now alien to me as it shook, just barely stretching to the silver crystal at its fingertips. As my hand stroked the plaque i looked at the back of my palm.

Grabbing my left arm with my right i stopped its shaking and finally disconnected the plaque from its contraption, pulling it closer to my chest as the slate slid down my hand resting on my forearm just narrowly being held in my fingers.

"Its a shame I've already been through hell... i would at least of gone running for the hope of killing you myself then." Grabbing a half drunk bottle of alcohol from the assortment of glasses on the floor i offered a toast to the air. "you were the best bet he ever lost, Incursik."

[witch queen toasts to your sorrow]

[whispering albifrons takes off a beanie in respect]

[deserts golden hawk sympathizes with you]

Taking a large swig of the alcohol i drowned out the madness steadily rising within, warming my stomach.

[sanity safeguards activated!]

[hidden skill: chains of sentience, are holding your mind together!]

"To the fallen I guess then." Using his feathery tail Thorn lifted another bottle flowing what was left into his beak

Getting up to my feet I walked to the side of the ship and poured what was left of my drink into the ocean in memory of those I met on the rings of greed and heresy. "When all this is over. After I've resurrected that idiot... I'll find time to build a memorial to you two. Tatsuo, Vera."

The wind whistled, water splashed and the journey continued on its way. Unknowing that the final piece of morality i still clung onto had been crushed beneath the weight of my sorrow

"Land ho! We're nearing mafia cove!"

Looking into the distance i saw a large island with not a mountain in sight covered in tropical trees while a gaping cove with tens of ships docked quickly came to view.

Taken Horizon Origin, volume 1, DualityDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora