Authors Note- Please Read!

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Hey guys so I just wanted to let y'all know of/ask a couple of things.. Bear with me here :)

1. I've been hearing of some pretty popular stories (such as Laced and Illegally Yours) having been plagiarized recently, and I honestly think that sucks ass tbh. I know how hard authors, including myself, work on our stories, and how long it can take to write chapters and think of story ideas, so it totally isn't cool to steal someone else's work and claim it as your own when all you had to do was hit copy and paste to be popular. There are two reasons why I bring this up. First off, if you see/hear about/read a story on other sites that you've already read on Wattpad. I highly suggest reporting/spamming/ganging up on whoever it is thats stealing great stories like the ones I listed above (trust me, there are probably more that I just haven't heard about yet), and surely let the original Wattpad author know immediately so we can get this problem fixed and the plagiarizing can be put to an end for good. Two being that I honestly would choke if I ever found out my story was being taken too (not that it's even popular now or anything, but just as a future word of advice to my readers) and I would want to be notified IMMEDIATELY thru emails ( or comments or anything to get my attention!! I have big plans for this story, so I can only dream that one day it can be as popular as some of my favorites are right now, so if it ever were to be taken and used as someone else's work, then I really need to know about it so we can spam/report whoever is plagiarizing and it can be done with so me and other writers can feel safe/at peace while writing our stories, which honestly, we really don't put hours of work into just so you can get the credit.

2. I've realized that the concept for this fanfiction may have already been done before now, so I just wanna make it clear really fast that I never stole anyone ideas! I really came up with the idea for "Falling Into Place" all on my own, and I would hate for someone to think I took their idea (as I stated before, plagiarizing sucks and I wouldn't ever do it/copy someone's stuff intentionally) so if any readers ever stumble across my story that's similar to another one, please let me know so I can talk with that author and we can sort it out so our story lines won't end up being the same.

3. I just wanna thank EVERYONE for reading! I really like where this fanfiction is going so far, and I seriously have some major plans for it to be great, so if everyone could keep sharing, voting, commenting, reading too, etc. that would be great! I want more people to get to know about it so it can eventually get the appreciation and reads it deserves! Thanks again, luv you dirty hoes so much, and I really think you're gonna like what I have in store for "Falling Into Place" in later chapters!

Xx Ferry Jo <3

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