Chapter Eight: What do we have here?

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(oh god guys Motel 6/Super 8, Summer Trolls, Wild Track, and Illegally yours are my faves rn if you're looking for a good read go check out my library it's great)

Louis and I eventually made our way back to my apartment while Elise was still out with Cal for the day, so after two, separate, hot showers and a change of clothes later, we sat wrapped up in blankets in front of the TV watching The Simpsons while eating enchiladas from the freezer and drinking pulp-free orange juice as the rain continued to pour outside.  I laughed as I cuddled up to Lou, who had, admittedly, never seen an episode of The Simpsons in his whole life.  I playfully tousled his hair as he pointed at Bart and Homer on the flat screen.  I laid my legs across his lap as he held me up with an arm around my back.  I sighed and closed my eyes as I relaxed into his warm body, realizing how great it was to feel like I was actually living in this moment, even though I new it wouldn't last since the tour would be moving on soon. 

Shaking the thought from my head, I went back to watching the old re-run with Louis as I admired his childish spirit.  The way he loved to smile, laugh, joke, and play made me want to be a kid again, despite my rough-looking exterior.  It was hard to come by someone who could make me feel so special for who I was on the inside these days.

Louis finally looked down at me as he suddenly laughed while smearing a glob of sour cream from his half-eaten enchilada onto my nose.  I squealed as I ran my finger across his plate on the coffee table, coating my thumb with spicy enchilada sauce, before spreading it across his upper lip, like a mustache.  I laughed as he pulled a goofy face before managing to choke out between giggles, "You.. You ha-have.. Something.. on, on.. your nose!" I grabbed at my stomach as I laughed alongside him.  It felt nice to kick back and enjoy life for once in my life. 

"Oh really?"  I smirked at him as he motioned to the white blob on the tip of my stubby nose.  "Here, let me help you with that!"  I shrieked as Louis leaned down, placing his lips on the outside tip of my nose in the shape of an "o" and sucking, much like a vacuum, all of the sour cream off and into his mouth, after which he playfully licked/smacked his lips hungrily.  I poked his chest as he licked the enchilada sauce off his lip as well. 

Several minutes later, after we both had eventually calmed down enough to go back to watching our show, I then began to feel Louis reach over me, grabbing the remote in his hand, while clicking the power button, switching the TV off so we were both now sitting in silence.  I gave him a weary glance as I wondered what he was doing.  He sat up straighter as I pulled my legs off of him, and turned my body so we were now facing each other as I sat indian-style while waiting for him to speak.  "What's up, Lou?" I curiously asked. 

"I don't know.. I just had something that I wanted to ask you.."  He reached out for my hand as he grasped my dainty fingers in his long, slender ones.  I looked up at him with waiting eyes as he searched my face, a slight smile spreading across his lips.  "Loraine Goodrich, will you be my girlfriend?  I know I haven't even known you for more then 24 hours, but fuck it, I love spending time with you, and I never wanna let that go."  I tensed up as I felt my blood run cold.  Louis didn't mean that.  Deep down, I knew that someone prestigious and popular like him wouldn't ever want to be seen or judged with a girl who looked like me.  I would only embarrass him, and better yet, he hardly knew me, and after he got to know more about my past, it would only drive him further and further away from whatever it was that we had.

A tear slipped down my cheek as I just closed my eyes and nodded no.  "Louis, there's so much about me that you don't know, and I'm sure that if you did know, you wouldn't want to stay with me any longer than you have to.  I'm ashamed and I don't want to hurt you.  Besides, you'd eventually be embarrassed by being seen with me out in public with the way I look, and it would only ruin your reputation and career."  Louis pulled me onto his lap as he gave me a sad smile while cupping my cheeks in his large hands.  "Oh, c'mon now baby, don't cry.  We can make this work.  I swear to god we will make this work, okay?  And anyways, what could be so bad about your past that you don't want me to know about?"

I took a deep breath.  He was right.  It would take a lot of work, but I'm sure that we could make this all turn out okay in the end.  Somehow.  I took a deep breath.  If we were going to be together anyways, he would have to find out sometime. 

"Louis, seven years ago, when I was just a 17 year old junior in high school..  I had a miscarriage.  I got knocked up at 17 by my first long-term boyfriend of six years, and before I knew it, the baby died at only 2 months old, and Noah committed suicide right afterwards.  It was hell, and after my parents found out about the baby, I lost all connection with them.  No more calls, emails, texts, cards.. Nothing.  I had to raise myself, going around, living in different friend's houses and shelters, trying to find somewhere permanent for me to stay.  Then, out of nowhere, Noah took me in for an ultrasound one day, and we found out that the baby wasn't developing properly, and I had had a miscarriage.  It was awful.  I loved that baby, even though I was only 17 and parent-less, I loved that baby, with all of my heart.  The next morning, I got a call saying that later that night, after Noah had gotten home, he pulled out a carving knife, sliced his throat, and that was it.  I was completely alone.  But I managed to get through it all by myself, and I honestly wouldn't trade any of it for the world.  It shaped me into who I am today, and for that I am grateful.  I love the way life is going for me right now, and I really want to be with you.  I know the way life has been for me so far is pretty fucked up, but if you could see past that, and just love me for me, I know that we have something special, Lou, and I just wanna be with you for as long as I can." 

Tears were heavily streaming down my face now, and I touched my forehead to his as I suddenly felt Louis shudder, and when I looked up, I realized that Louis was crying too, right alongside me, and I hadn't even known.  I was too preoccupied with haunting memories of my past to pay attention to where I was and how my story was affecting him.  Louis hugged my torso tight as he pressed his lips against mine, soft and sweet. 

He mumbled into our kiss moments later, saying, as far as I could tell, "Don't worry baby girl.  I'm here now, and there is no way I'm ever going to leave your side."  Louis stroked my hair as we sat, in a tangled mess of limbs and blankets, just holding each other and crying like a bunch of jackasses.  I laughed as I sat up, rubbing my eyes.  "So, you aren't disappointed or anything?"  Louis ran his hands down my arms as he smiled and shook his head no.  "God no.  I love you for you, and there isn't anything I would do to change that.  Loraine, I had no idea.. I'm so fucking sorry for how life, being the bitch it is, has treated you so far, but I promise you this- as long as I'm around, I won't ever allow you to feel such pain again."  He caressed my neck as I hoisted myself up off of the couch, and straddled his hips, while rubbing my nose against his. 

"Yes, Louis Tomlinson, I will be your girlfriend.  Forever and always."


(p.s.- I literally have four sticky notes, so far, written in my smallest handwriting, front and back, of ideas/plans I have for this fanfic, and I'm really super duper excited for the events that I plan on making occur later on, so basically what I'm trying to say is that I need advice- should I make this a really long fanfic, or should I split it up into this one with a sequel following- I'm kinda leaning towards a sequel..? Comment/message me what you think, and if you in fact are up for a sequel after this is over, what should the title be? Idk, but, if I choose yours in the end, I will totally give credit! xx Ferry Jo <3)

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