Chapter Six: I'm Not Going Anywhere

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We spent the next few hours laughing and joking with eachother, and for the first time in my life, I can actually say I experienced butterflies in the pit of my stomach. Like, literally. I felt it. I always thought mushy-gushy stuff like that was a load of bullshit, until I had the oppertunity to experience it myself, just as Louis caught me at the bottom of the twisty slide, wrapping his arms around my waist and lifting me up, spinning me in circles, and never letting me go. I wrapped my legs around his hips as he put his arms around mine. I ran my fingers through his hair, not minding the beads of sweat that had collected on his forehead. He stared into my eyes as I leaned down, hoping I wasn't dreaming, and kissed him. I kissed Louis Tomlinson on the lips with a newfound passion that I never new existed before this exact moment in time. I was experiencing nothing like I had ever experienced before, and it wasn't long after the initial shock, that he began to kiss me back. I felt that familiar smile playing on the edges of his mouth as I gently bit down on his bottom lip, causing it to swell. He ever so slightly then began to move his hands dowm from my waist, to my ass, and down under my thighs. I held the back of his head like a life saver, and I was afraid that if I ever let go, I would sink without him. I pulled him closer into me until our chests were touching. I never wanted this gentle intimacy we had between us to end. Ever.

(Yes, I know this next upcoming part in the rain is just like that one steamy scene in "The Notebook" when he's holding her and stuff, y'all know which one I'm talkin' bout, but it's just gonna be like the movie just for like a split second mmkay? Just wait for it I promise the whole thing isn't gonna be the same as the movie lmao)

Out of nowhere, it instantly began to pour, drenching both me and Louis with the icy rain that came down on us from above. I whooped and held my arms out, not even caring that my makeup was streaming down my cheeks and my bangs were plastered to my forehead. Louis began to laugh as he stuck his tongue out, catching the droplets on his tongue like a toddler. I loved it. I looked back down on him from where I was sitting, positioned on his hips as he still held me, my legs wrapped around his built torso, not even struggling with my weight. We felt like a regular couple, just out for some fun. I put my frozen fingertips on the sides of his face as he looked back up at me once again, when he shouted through the noisy rain to me, "I'm sorry our day out got ruined! I'll make it up to you!" I laughed and kissed his wet cheeks. "You don't need to make anything up to me. I love this. I love being with you. Nothing could have made this a more perfect date today!" I closed my eyes and tilted my head to the sky, letting the rain wash away all my little insecurities about myself. My hair, tattoos, piercings.. None of that mattered when I was with Louis. I knew I could be myself, and that's just the way I liked it.

My thoughts were interrupted by Louis smirking at me as he asked, "So, this is a date?" I giggled (rather girlishly, yet again), and just as I was about to reply, an unknown man's voice began to shout in our direction. I couldn't make out what he was saying to us, but it goddamn better have been important as to feel the urge to ruin the perfect moment. I turned to my right, away from the playground, and peered through the mist in the direction of the voice. A large, rather old, man approached us, arms folded across his chest. He looked none too happy. He wore a large grey jumpsuit, so I assumed he was a grounds keeper, with a name tag sewn onto the breast pocket. It read "MITCH W." This dude was huge, and I really didn't wanna have to face him right now.

He spoke firmly, so I knew for sure he was serious, as he gruffly scolded, "Now, you kids can't be here. This is public property, which means no trespassing." Louis glanced at me, rather confused, as he set me back down on my feet again. He turned towards Mitch as he stood up straighter, and said, "It's a playground, man. C'mon just let us have our fun. We aren't even "disturbing the peace" or being destructive or whatever." Mitch looked pissed now. I tugged on Louis' arm, begging him to just drop it and we could leave, but I could tell he wasn't gonna leave without standing up for himself first. "We don't let gang members on city property." He sternly replied, not moving. I gasped. He literally thought we looked sketchy enough to be in a gang. Unbelievable.

Louis looked furious as he wrapped an arm around my waist, and held up his other hand, promptly flipping Mitch off, with an actual gang sign I might add, as he instantly whipped around, dragging me through the soggy grass behind him, as he raced for the car, yelling, "Fuck off!" behind us as we never looked back.

"That cockbastard assumed we were in a gang. What the actual hell!" I yelled to Louis through the rain so he could hear me as I saw the car in the distance through the fog ahead of us. He yelled back, "I know right?!" We slowed to a stop as I leaned my hands up against the hood of the car, attempting to catch my breath. I was shaking uncontrollably from the cold, and I realized I was actually really hungry then too. Louis unlocked the car as he opened the door for me. What a sweetheart.. I can't even stand it. I reluctantly looked at him, unsure about sitting on the old, cracked leather seat, being soaking wet and all, out of fear of ruining the seats even more. Louis leaned close to my ear, and said, "It's okay, it's a rental!" I shrugged as he laughed, motioning for me to get in. I climbed into the passenger side as I (looking more squishy rather than sexy) sat down on the seat, wringing my purple locks out onto the stained felt floor, giving up hope of keeping the car dry inside. Louis slammed the driver's side door shut after climbing in, as he locked the door, shaking his hair out like a dog, resulting in me getting water sprayed in my face all the while. He sat up straight, giving me a huge grin as he said, in a normal voice this time, "Wow, what a rush!" He beamed like a little boy learning to write. I sighed and said, "Damn straight Louis T.. Damn straight."

Huge favor, can anyone try to think of a ship name for Louis and Loraine? Haha I probably shouldn't have given her a name that also started with "L".. Oh well Haha if anyone can think of one for me, which I sadly cannot, then that'd be sweet! Leave it in the comments, and don't forget to vote, comment, share, and of course, keep reading! I'm in love with this story already, and I cannot wait to keep you guys on the edge of your seats later on! Xx Ferry Jo <3

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