Chapter Seven: Somebody Like You

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We sat in silence as I felt Louis reach his arm over the center console of the car. I remained motionless as he placed his hand ever so gently on my frozen, soaked, shivering thigh. He gave me a gentle squeeze as I looked over and into his eyes. I was scared to breathe in this very moment. I gave him a slight smile, when all of a sudden, Louis bolted out of his seat. He pinned me down onto the leather chair with his knees firmly placed against the outsides of my legs. One of his hands was holding himself up on the headrest behind me, while the other was ravishly exploring my chest area. I moaned as he harshly pressed his lips onto mine. I wrapped my arms around his back as I pulled him onto me, hungrily wanting more of him. He firmly pressed his tongue into my mouth and mine into his. I felt his shoulder blades and muscular arms beneath my fingertips, and I never wanted to forget that feeling of just being here with him, having him all to myself.

Louis kissed me with a carnal desire I never knew he could possess in him, which only made me more curious as to what he was like in bed..

He tasted so good. Louis' lips pressed against my lips was the greatest feeling any girl could imagine. I ran my icy hands down the length of his strong arms as I memorized the way his weight felt onto of mine. I loved it. The way he felt, the way he kissed me, the way he treated me like a good girl at times, but a bad boy at others, just made me fall even harder for him, and hell, I've only known him for a little more than a day.

After who knows how long, we finally broke apart from the kiss, I traced the lines of his lips and chin as he broke the passion-filled (somewhat) silence in the car by saying, just like a kid, "You wouldn't happen to be hungry, would you?" I laughed and touched my head to his. "Absolutely starved."

We made our way, feeling very soggy on the outside even after our little moment in the car, and into the booth as we grabbed our menus. My mouth started watering as I browsed through the daily specials. Summer chicken salad, barbeque chili dog, almond caramel shake.. It all looked delicious to me, I couldn't decide.  The waitress came back to our table, while bringing back two iced teas as we gave her our extravagant orders.  We each got two double cheeseburgers, a large order of onion rings to share, a plate of jalapeño cheese fries, and two mega ice cream sundaes for dessert.  Yum.

Louis reached across the table to grab my hand as I finally began to pay attention to all of the girls that were noticing him here with me.  I looked around as I saw a flash go off from a camera phone as a young, red-headed girl gave us a smile while taking multiple photos of us.  An older looking blonde, chick standing next to her seemed to be fanning herself as she fawned over Louis, right in front of my face.  I scowled in their direction as I turned my head back towards my date.  He smiled at me as we made small talk.  Favorite sports, embarrassing moments, and the like.  I laughed as he told me about all of his fails onstage at previous concerts as I found myself getting lost in his eyes.  He enticed me, and his seductive voice made me wish he would talk forever and ever.  I never wanted today to end.

Suddenly, my eyes widened while I jumped as a girl, maybe 13, leapt out of nowhere and across our table, promptly landing on Louis' lap.  She had a head full of unmanageable, frizzy black curls and a mouth full of green braces as she struggled to catch her breath.  Louis chuckled as my eyes widened in annoyance and surprise both at once.  I folded my arms across my chest as I squinted at the back of her round head.  I heard her squeal as she held out a pink pen and Hello Kitty notepad to match, begging for him to sign it for her.  I groaned as he did as she requested and she giggled with delight.  Suddenly, Louis high fived her, and she instantly reached around and kissed him on the cheek before screaming and wildly running away from our table.

I felt tears brim in the corners of my eyes as I stood up, pushing my way out of the tight booth and angrily wiping the tears from my eyes as I stormed out the door, listening to the faint chime of the bells on the handle as the glass slammed closed behind me.  I didn't even care that it was still raining, I just wanted out of there.  I couldn't take any more of that scene that was unfolding before my eyes back in the resteraunt, and I honestly didn't even care if Lou followed me out or not.  I knew I was acting jealous and childish, but I couldn't help it.  I wanted him to myself, but apparently that was one thing I would not be getting in public around young teens anytime soon. 

I felt icy fingers wrap around my wrist as I spun around to face him, my purple hair sticking to my forehead as water droplets collected on my eyelashes, blurring my vision even more, on top of the tears.  Louis gave me a sad smile as he tucked a strand of soggy hair behind my ear, wrapping a hand around my neck, and pulling me in close as I sighed into his toned chest.  I cried into his shirt for what felt like hours, as he just held me silently.  I think he knew what I was feeling right now, and why I was upset.

Finally, I stepped back, wiping the mascara from my cheeks and onto the hem of my shirt, which was now sticking to my stomach again.  I looked up at him as I ran my thumb across his cheek, whispering in a barely audible voice above the rain, I was hardly sure he could hear me.  "How can this ever work between us when girls are throwing themselves at you left and right? I don't know how easy it would ever be for me to get used to the fact that I wouldn't ever get to have you all to myself, almost as if I have to share you with the rest of the world everyday it seems."  My voice trailed off as I looked back down at the ground.  Louis tilted my chin up towards him, as I was promptly spun around and my spine was pushed ever so gently up against the brick wall of a taffy shop next-door to the resteraunt where we had just been.  He placed two shaking hands on my curvy hips as he whispered into my ear, "Oh baby, you'll never have to share me.  I'm all yours." 

The last thing I remember was smiling before he crashed his lips into mine, causing me to forget the world.

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