Chapter Nine: You're Mine, Forever and Always

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(AHHH guys I'm totally sorry if your notifications are getting overly-filled with things saying that I've been posting lots of new chapters on several different stories today.. SO SORRY ;-; I've posted like three chapters so far tonight since idek when I'm gonna have the chance to post more this week, so I might as well make the most of my time now instead of waiting to get more done next weekend!)

Later that night, after several more episodes of The Simpsons and much more kissing, Louis had to head back to his hotel and meet up with the boys to go do some sort of album signing downtown. I sat on the couch, waiting for Elise to get home, and rather than watching more television, I decided to head out to the grocery store to get more supplies to re-stock the kitchen, which was running low on essentials, such as eggs and bread.

I threw on some flip slops as I grabbed my keys off the counter and put on a coat and my beanie. Yes, I was indeed wearing my sweats and tshirt to get groceries. I ran through the treacherous rain and out to my old Volvo. I climbed inside and slammed the door shut, shaking the water off my hat. I cranked up the volume on 107.5 FM as I pulled away from the apartment and out onto the street, hollering the lyrics to "Breakfast at Tiffany's" along with the radio.

I pulled into a tight parking space at the store, and shoved my keys into my jacket pocket as I ran inside quickly, trying to stay as dry as possible.  I searched aisle by aisle, grabbing a few items here and there. A bag of Reese's peanut butter cups, white bread, a dozen eggs, two cartons of diet Pepsi, a box of tampons, and a sketch book for me to keep practicing some designs for new tattoo ideas.

I paid for my items, threw the bags into the trunk of my car, and pulled out of the parking space, satisfied with my quick stop to the store (it was usually hard for me to only get the items that were on the grocery list rather than going crazy and buying things we really didn't need). I made a pit-stop at McDonald's, buying two large fries for me and Elise, assuming she would be home by now, and headed back towards the apartment we shared.

It was almost 6:30 by the time I reached home, and was actually pretty shocked to step inside, turn on the lights only to find that Elise was still out with Cal. This was weird. She usually called or texted me if she were going to be getting home late, so I thought it might be best to give her a quick call. My hands shook nervously as I dialed her number, only to hear the call go straight to voicemail. Great. I shot her a quick text wondering where she was, and began putting away the groceries.

I reached up, placing the large bag of peanut butter cups in the cabinet over the stove, just as I heard an excited squeal coming from down the hallway, followed by the sound of the front door slamming shut. I peeked around the wall, only to be impacted by a very excitable Elise wrapping me in a tight hug while jumping around the kitchen. I laughed as she finally began to calm down, and said, "Loraine! You will never guess what happened today! Me and Cal had such a great time out together, and he took me to lunch, and asked me to move in with him! Isn't that so great? Sorry my phone was dead so I couldn't call you sooner. Oh Lorrie, I'm so happy!" She managed to get every word out in a single breath as she paused to gasp for air, while yet again, squealing happily and hugging me tight.

Cal lived on the other side of the city. Almost a half an hour away to drive.

I clapped her on the back as I replied, "Lisie, that's really, really great! I'm so happy for you and Cal. You guys are going to have so much fun. But I thought you weren't planning on living with each other until the wedding..?" Elise rolled her eyes at me before saying, "Oh Lorrie, we've just been so excited it couldn't wait any longer! It's been too tough to only see my fiancé on the weekends, so it just seems like the right time to take this step, ya know?" I gave her a sad smile. "But now it's going to be too tough for me to only see my best friend on the weekends." I hugged her tight as she breathed into my hair, "Oh Lorrie, you know we're still going to be the best of friends. We can talk everyday and we can visit each other all the time and hangout together.. I promise."  I struggled to hold back the tears as I pulled my hair back up into a bun.  I just shook my head yes and sighed because I was too scared that if I spoke, the tears would start rolling, and I surely didn't want to ruin her fantastic day she was having so far.

After saying our goodnights, I crawled into my bed, pulling the heavy comforter up to my nose, and listening to the pounding of the rain and the roar of the thunder outside my window.  I tossed and turned, unwillingly keeping myself awake much later than I had intended. 

After hours of getting not even a wink of sleep, I let my mind roll back to thoughts of Louis and how I could officially call him my boyfriend, which meant having him all to myself for once.  I sighed as I happily hugged my knees to my chest.  I closed my eyes and relished in the relief I felt from getting the burdensome weight off my chest about Noah and the miscarriage.  The only people who knew about all the details from that tragic part of my life were obviously my parents, Elise, and now Louis too.  It felt good to finally have someone close that I could share those kinds of deep, personal stories and thoughts with.  Now that I think about it, spending time with Lou has been helping me to feel good in a lot of ways so far, and trust me, I did not want the butterflies in my stomach to ever go away.  Louis excited me, brought out my inner wild-child.  I loved that about him.  I loved how he made me, Loraine Goodrich, feel loved.  For who I really was. 

Falling Into Place (A Louis Tomlinson Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें