Chapter 1 - Background from the Beginning

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I was born on November 3, 1995.

My name is Alexis Kari Sutton and today is the fifth month and some odd day that I have been 19 years old. Nineteen years old. 19 years young. Nineteen years of living a life and I am still not a hundred percent sure why I am alive.

Even if I don't know I still keep going I keep pushing, there's something out in the world that's bigger than me there's something I still haven't discovered yet.

I still remember my first day of school when I was in second grade. It's a weird memory and kind of hazy. My mother had woken me up singing the song she would every morning: "Good morning, good morning, good morning to you. The day has begun there is so much to do." She'd sing this to my older brother and I as we got out of bed. I dressed myself in a purple leotard complimented with a pink ballerina tutu and black boots. To this day I'm still not sure what I was going for but nonetheless my mother let me wear it. She did my curly and unruly hair up into a ponytail and sent me off with my brother to the bus stop. I hated the bus stop I would always get bullied and so would my brother.

At school my teacher would greet us at the door upon our arrival to the classroom. I sat in my assigned seat waiting for whatever the day may have brought me. Nothing in particular the first few weeks of school happened. Half way through October we got a new student in our class. He wasn't anything special at first, well to me he wasn't. His name was William S. Kingsley and I could remember all the other girls swooning over him. William sat diagonal from me at our little group of desks that were arranged in fours. He was really smart and could solve any math problem the teacher called out.

William and I grew to become friends then lo and behold I felt something in my little toddler tummy for him. I had a crush on William, but there was no way I would tell him that. In my head I was thinking that kids in second grade aren't allowed to like each other more than friends. I left it at that.

One day William disappeared, just as fast as he came along he was gone. The school year wasn't even finished and he had left towards the end of April. I remember crying on the playground for him to come back but he never did. That was over a decade ago. Now I'm in University with new friends and a boyfriend that's across the world.

I still haven't heard from that boy William. Sometimes I wonder if he truly had fell off the face of the earth. Even old friends I kept in contact with over the years don't know his whereabouts. It's late Thursday night and most people in Uni are out getting drunk at this hour. Not me, at least not tonight anyway. I decided to stay in and talk to my boyfriend over the phone. I was telling him the story of why my family decided to move to the UK and I was intent on getting my degree here rather than an American school. While I listened to him rant about how confused he was, I had randomly looked through the Universities directory and highlight people that I knew. After a while I came upon the name William Shakespeare Kingsley.

No it couldn't be, there's no way in hell that it's William from second year of primary school. I couldn't believe it. I hung up on my boyfriend Luis and did more research on the name. Sure enough it was the same William from before. This was my second semester here and I have yet to see him. Why wasn't he in any of my classes? Did he ever notice me? No he couldn't have, we've both grown to look so different I considered myself to be average looking. Nothing too notable about me.

American, brown hair that went half way down my back, green-hazel eyes, and my short stature. William looked good too he didn't seem to change much, same brown eyes, brown somewhat curly hair, and the cute little birthmark above his lip. Only thing was he seemed a heck of a lot taller.

Maybe tomorrow after classes I could look up his email and talk to him, maybe even rekindle our friendship.

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