Chapter 2 - King Chill

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William's POV:

I laid in bed looking up at the white ceiling. My head was pounding and the sun shining through the window didn't make it any better. As I turned over some random persons foot was in my face. I violently pushed the foot away from me and the person it was connected to fell out of my bed. It was some random girl I don't remember. "Ouch! Why don't you watch what you're doing!?" She yelled at me. I picked up her dress I saw lying on the floor and gave it to her. "How about you leave and go get ready for class in your own room." I gave her a pointed look as she gathered herself up and left my room.

I can't believe I did this again. I stood in the middle of my room in nothing but my underwear with my hands covering my face. The last thing I remember was having way too much to drink while I was out with my two best buds Alfie and Brennen. I didn't want to bring another girl back I told myself I wouldn't do that anymore.

"Fuck it, after this weekend I am done messing around for good." I thought to myself out loud as I quickly threw on a gray jumper and pants. My hair looked terrible so I put on a random beanie then grabbed my backpack. As I made my way to my first graphic design class thoughts swirled around in my head of her.

Alexis she was the single most beautiful memory I had from my childhood.

She used to tell me stories of why her family moved out here to England. Something about the Queen would protect her. I don't quite remember the story, but either way she was my best friend. I wish I still had her, maybe she'd keep me on the right track. "Come back to me Alexis." I whispered to myself. I was interrupted out of my trance once a girl barged into the classroom unannounced. "Oh shit, I'm sorry wrong room." My eyes went wide as soon as I caught sight of her.

It couldn't be her, no way in hell is that her. Then the door slammed shut and she was gone. The entire class was looking at me as I sat there with my mouth gaping open. "You alright there, William?" My professor asked, "Er- uh yeah I'm fine," I responded slouching down in my seat. I just missed my chance to speak to her. How the hell has she been going to the same university as me this whole time and I haven't seen her.

A few hours later I was done with all my classes for the day and the weekend for me had started. I was in my dorm room now starting on some of my work before my friends came over and dragged me out again to another party. "Hey Will just the man I wanted to see!" Speaking of the devil there he is Brennen himself. "Oi! Let me in you fuck!" Alfie protested and pushed Brennen out of the doorway.

"Hey fellas how are you doing?" I stood up greeting them. They started telling me about some outrageous party that we had to attend. I didn't mind going, after all I did want to make my last weekend out a good one. Right as we headed out the door I heard a noise on my computer meaning that I had received a new email.

"You guys go on ahead, I'll catch up." I told Alfie and Brennen. They had no problem because they were already half way down the hall way. I smiled and laughed to myself as I sat in my chair to read the email. My smile quickly faded when I saw who the email was from. It read: "Sent from: Alexis K. Sutton. Subject: Hello old friend :)" I read it to myself.

I can't believe it after all these years she was still here in the UK. So maybe that really was her earlier in my first class. I finished reading the message and I was overjoyed. She wanted to catch up tomorrow over lunch. There was no way I was missing out on this.

I jumped up out of my chair and ran out of my room. I was normally known for being really chill so when my friends saw me running down the hallway like I was they looked at me like I had kidnapped the Queen. I quickly composed myself, "Come on let's go boys." I said in a calm voice as we walked out the residence hall doors. I may look fine on the outside, but in my head I'm excited for meeting Alexis tomorrow.

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