Chapter 12 - Verbatim

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"I helped you, Lex." I finally stated.

She shook her head unsure of what to think. "How can I believe you? You drugged me for a reason!" She yelled, her voice giving out on her.

I slowly approached her as she continued to break down. Alexis' tears streaming down her face at an alarming rate. "I don't know why I did it. I'm sorry," I admitted. My arms found their way around her body. She hit my chest weakly, but all I did was hold her close.

"You made me so worried. You made me think you hurt me, Will.." Lex sobbed.

She cried and cried into my chest as I whispered apologetically in her ear. After realizing I was sincere she hugged me, gripping the back of my shirt in her hands tightly. It seemed as if she was afraid of losing me.

We laid holding each other on her bed as she cried. Eventually her breathing became steady and I released her. Right as I was turning to leave I felt a pull.

"Don't go, I just got you back." She mewled softly.

"Lex, baby... I have to get back and do work now."

Her eyes were still puffy from before and I heard her sniffle. I knew she was sad, but I couldn't stay here. "You want to come stay with me?" I suggested. Immediately her eyes lit up. Alexis popped up grabbing a few of her things then stood next to the door. She didn't say anything, but I knew she was ready to go.

We held hands on the way back and I noticed she was looking the other way the majority of the time. Why is she so silent? I'll ask when we get inside.

Just before turning the corner to get to my building we ran into Isaac. Him and a friend of his stopped us.

"Alexis, I was just coming to get you. I need you to try out another new strain." Isaac stated before grabbing her hand.

"Another strain? Strain of what? What is he talking about, Lex?" My grip on her hand tightened as I looked at her. She averted my gaze.

"Oh you know I made a new drug in chemistry lab today." Isaac grabbed Lex by her chin forcing her to look at him, "This lovely girl assisted me and has been for weeks. Haven't you?"

Alexis pulled herself away from him. I held her closer to me as she gripped my arm; still holding my hand in hers. "Yo, back off Isaac! She doesn't want to do stuff like that." I told him sternly.

"Is that what she's been saying to you?" He chuckled, "After your little break up she was practically begging to help me after she found out who I am." His accent became thick. I turned to her; still she hid her face from me.

I focused back on Isaac, "It doesn't matter anymore, she's with me now."

"Mmph, you say that now." He sighed, "Just you wait. Alexis will come back to me for a fix!" He called back to us as he and his friend continued on their way.

There were so many questions floating around in my head, but I knew it would be best to wait until we got back to my room.

A few minutes later we found ourselves settling in my room. She sat on my bed opening her laptop as if pretending nothing happened just moments ago.

"Lex?" I said sitting opposite from her, crossing my legs in the process.

She ignored me. "Alexis?" I repeated dragging out the end of her name.

Finally she looked my way, but didn't say anything. "What was Isaac talking about?" I inquired. Alexis simply continued what she was doing acting as if she was mute.

"Lex! Seriously, c'mon and tell me!"

"Fine! After I left that morning I found out that Isaac was the one that gave you the pills!" She shouted. I was taken aback while I listened. "Isaac is actually my partner in my laboratory so I asked him about the whole thing at the party. He thought I was coming to him to get more drugs so he gave me more. I took them again just to see if they'd have the same effect on me like you said they did. They didn't so I kept going back to ask him for more and he kept giving different pills laced with different shit. I was so stupid to keep taking them." Lex teared up again. "I wanted to see if what you told me was true. I needed to know that you weren't lying to me so I hurt myself more and more in order to find out."

"Lex you shouldn't have done that." I cooed, coming closer to comfort her.

"I know, but I couldn't help it." Alexis whined.

I rubbed her leg as she calmed herself. With all those drugs in her system I just hope she doesn't get addicted. I knew for a fact that Isaac knew he wasn't giving her the right stuff. He shouldn't have given her anything at all. That dunce probably thought he could get away with testing all sorts of pills on her. He thought of her as a disposable experiment and I'll be damned if I let him get away with hurting my girl like that.

Isaac will get what's coming to him.


Aye! It's been a looooong time since I have updated this book. Sorry about that!

What do you think Will should do to get back at Isaac?

As always, stay awesome!


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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2016 ⏰

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