Chapter 10 - Guilty Conscious

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Alexis' POV:

I had danced around so much that I separated from William, he was currently across the room dancing with some other people. The lights looked like lasers that flashed on and off in different colors, it made my eyes dilate or maybe it was just the trippy pills Will forced down my throat. He wouldn't tell me what he gave me probably because I didn't ask, but at this point I didn't care. Blood seemed to rush through my veins faster the more my body moved then I began to feel a burning sensation all throughout my muscles.

All of a sudden I went completely limp, my arms and legs hitting the floor with a loud thump. My breathing increased, becoming ragged as my eyes connected with a pair of familiar dark chocolate ones. It was Will and he looked more sober than he did a few minutes ago. His lips moved, but I heard nothing but muffled noises as the light started to become too much for me to keep my eyes open. "No, n-n-no, Lex stay up. Please stay awake!" His voice full of worry as he put his cold sweaty hands on my cheeks to keep my head stable. My eyes kept wavering open and close, open and close. I couldn't keep them open as everything caught up with me all at once.

"What's wrong Willy boy, one of your little groupies take one too many to the head?" There was a guy standing over us taunting Will. He looked like the same guy from before that traded off with him. "Shut up! What the fuck did you lace that shit with?!" Will rose up pushing the guy away and back into the crowd. "That's just the way business goes with dealers bro. We have to lace our meds with some crazy stuff to get our customers addicted to make more money." His tone was heartless with a smirk on his face that meant nothing but trouble.

Nobody else was really paying that much attention to the situation, all of the others were probably on the drug too. If possible, I felt worse than before. Will let the dealer guy get away as he picked me up. I may be petite, but William isn't that strong to begin with because of health issues he's had in the past so he stumbled a bit before gaining his balance. He continued to carry me out of the party and into the night. My head dangled over his shoulder and every movement made me even more sick. I tried to speak, the words ended up coming out of my mouth in nothing but a muffled jumble. William said something, most likely confused by what I attempted to ask him, unfortunately I didn't catch any of it because I blacked out.

I saw nothing but darkness with a bright light that had no color if that makes sense. My head was spinning, I had a sharp pain in my stomach, and there was a horrid taste in my mouth. When I was ready my eyes fluttered open to the sunlight shining in through the window. After looking around I found out I was in William's room with him sleeping soundly next to me. I raised up into a sitting position on the bed pushing my hand through my messy hair to get it out of the way. Upon closer inspection I figured out I was only in my underwear. What the hell happened last night?

Will's bare back was facing me and my eyes fell on the pile of our clothes that were on the floor. Oh god no, there's no way I did 'things' with my best friend last night.

"Alexis?" Will groaned. I hadn't even known I spaced out until now.

"Will, what the fuck happened last night?" My voice was uneasy, afraid of what he'd say. "We went to a party last night, remember? Are you feeling okay now?" His questions worried me even more as he placed his hand on my leg rubbing it softly. I scooted away from him, suddenly feeling wrong for no apparent reason. At least not yet anyway. "What else happened? I don't remember anything and I feel absolutely horrible."

His eyes widened a bit before going back to normal. "Well um, last night we had way too much to drink and I made you take some pills..." He stopped stumbling over his words which made me figure the rest out for him. I immediately got out of bed scrambling to put on my clothes from last night. "Lex, what are you doing?" Will started to get up, only in a pair of shorts, coming towards me. "Stay away from me Will! I can't believe you drugged me!"

"I didn't drug you. Please, just sit down so I can expla-," I cut him off before he could finish.

"No, fuck that! I don't believe anything that you say. You've said enough and I don't think I need to hear anymore. You were supposed to be the friend that I could trust, not some fuckboy looking for a quick hookup after a party!" My blood was boiling at this point from being so upset.

"Are you even hearing yourself Lex? You know I wouldn't ever do anything like that to you. We were at a party, both wasted, and just trying to have fun there's nothing more to it! Seriously just calm down you're overreacting." That was the final straw when he said I was overreacting. I kept my mouth shut before slamming the door on my way out. He didn't even chase after me, his guilty conscious probably holding him back.

William pulled an asshole move last night for drugging me, he knew I was vulnerable after drinking too much and he made an even worse decision for lying about it to cover it up. There was nothing left to be said between me and Will ever again. It's his fault that our friendship is gone. It breaks my heart that he'd betrayed my trust and ruin what we rekindled. Stupid university boys, they're all the same.

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