Chapter 11 - Help or Hinder

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Will's POV:

Lex hadn't talked to me since the incident and it had been weeks. I left countless messages on her phone and even went as far as sitting outside of her door waiting for her to come back from classes. Needless to say none of my tactics worked.

To be totally honest, nothing happened that night after the party. The ecstasy that I gave her happened to be a little too much and she tripped out, so I took her back to my room. Alexis was already knocked out before we got there. Not being able to speak with my best friend was taking a toll on me, which showed in the projects I turned in. My mind wasn't a hundred percent into any of the assignments so most of them weren't even half as good as usual.

At the moment, I was headed out to my last class of the day, it was a bit of a long walk so I decided to vlog it. Vlogging was the only activity that somewhat distracted me from the constant thoughts of Alexis. The familiar beep of my camera turning on sounded, so I angled my arm upward to get my face in shot.

"Hey guys! I'm just on my way to my graphics design class, so I thought I'd chat with you for a bit. Um, a lot of people are looking at me weird right now, probably because I'm vlogging." I lost my train of thought when my gaze landed on Lex. She was holding hands with some other guy as they walked on the other side of the street. I couldn't quite make out who it was since he was looking the other way. I put my camera back into my pocket then slowed my pace. The dude eventually turned around revealing his face to me. It was the guy from the party that gave me the pills. His name is Isaac, a well-known dealer around campus. Lex is usually coming from her chemistry lab right about now, so I've got no idea how she ended up walking with him.

Every fiber of me wanted to go over there to snatch her away from Isaac, but I didn't because I know she doesn't even want to look at me. Sooner or later Alexis will come around, at least I hope she will. She is my best friend after all and it would be stupid if our relationship ended for good over this.

We may only be platonic right now, but I was hoping to be something more with her. I didn't kiss her much at all, although whenever I did Lex would always give me a look that told me to stop but I knew she liked it; her eyes always gave it away. Gosh, I miss her eyes so much. They're such a unique shade of brown with a hint of green. In some light they would even look golden, kind of like right now. My heart palpitated when I came out of my trance to see Alexis giving me a deadly glare. I quickly turned my head to keep walking to my class. Maybe I should go by her room again later to see if she'll talk to me today. More than anything I wanted to find out why she's hanging around Isaac.

I wasn't really that into whatever my professor went on about in the lecture, my only concern was getting to the bottom of things. Sliding my hand into my pocket and bringing out my phone, I sent Alexis a text asking her if she'd be willing to talk to me again yet. Much to my surprise she replied to me with a rather rude comment telling me to 'go fuck myself' but hey, I didn't complain. Getting an insult was better than no text at all. I took it as a sign that she wanted to work things out, or at least that's what my desperate mind believed.

My head rested in the crevice my arms created when crossed until class ended. Swinging the black backpack over my shoulder, I continued to walk out of class and back to my dorm. There are a few things that needed to be taken care of before going over to see Alexis, like building up my courage and figuring out the right words to say.

Once I composed myself enough I went to her dormitory building, finding my way to her room. My hand lifted, forming a fist, ready to knock when suddenly I could hear soft sobs from the other side of the door. Without noticing, my breath hitched in my throat before instinctively grabbing to door handle turning it to open. "Lex, you alright?" it seemed like my voice had all but gone with how low it had gotten.

"Go away, William!" Lex screamed before throwing her shoe at me. Her toss was weak and the shoe tumbled across the floor barely reaching me. "I'll go away for as long as you want me too if you just tell me why you're crying," I approached her slowly with my seemingly soft words. "It's your fault, I'm crying because of you, you jerk. I lost my best friend to some guy that just wanted another quick lay." She finally admitted. It tore me apart to see her so upset about this whole dilemma.

"Alexis, I'm here to tell you the truth. I promise what I'm about to say isn't a lie it's what actually happened a few weeks ago at that party and when we got back to my room." I stood in the middle of her room taking a deep breath as her slightly puffy, tear filled eyes looked upon my unsteady form.

"We walked into the party and I introduced you to my two friends Alfie and Brennan, after that I called you over to the bar to take some shots with me, remember?" I asked, she nodded her head. I continued, "We both had too much to drink, but I left you there at the bar to meet up with someone to get pills. When I got the pills, I took you to the dance floor to show them to you. I know you weren't sure about taking one, but my head was foggy so I kissed you. I made you take it and I shouldn't have, it was a stupid idea, I know that now and it won't happen again." I paused for a moment to collect myself. Lex's eyes were glazed over like she was thinking, she had a habit of doing it a lot so I didn't pay much attention to it.

"After I forced the drugs on you we danced," I chuckled to myself slightly, "it was fun for the short while, but I got separated from you in the crowd and next thing I know you collapsed on the floor passed out. I got into a little bit of a quarrel with the drug lord before picking you up and taking you back to my room."

"What did you to me in that room, Will? And tell me the truth, the real one," her words were demanding, but I know she's just concerned. I looked right into her eyes to ensure her that this is the truth. Even I'm afraid of what I'm about to say and if she'd believe me or not. I swallowed a rock that formed in my throat before I spoke,

"I helped you..."


Do you believe Will is telling the truth?

Also I'd like to announce that the first chapter to my new book The Insanity Trials will be coming out within the next week.

Give the prologue a read if you'd like!

As always, stay awesome <3


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