Chapter 6 - Overthinking

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Alexis' POV:

It has been well over five minutes and I was beginning to think why I had hesitated to get back in bed in the first place. All at once it came back to me.

"My paper! Oh no, what time is it?" I jumped up out of bed scaring Will in the process.

"Whoa, calm down before you hurt yourself. It's only 12:30." Soon as those words left his mouth I panicked even more pacing about my room running my hands through my hair. There was no way I would get a ten page research paper finished in a half hour. William did nothing but roll his eyes getting up from my bed and going over to my computer. He typed something in on a web browser then his email popped up. I stood on the far side of the room watching him download something.

"What are you doing, Will?" I inquired as he opened the newly downloaded document. He was deleting a few things and retyping others.

"Helping you with your paper," He simply replied while squinting his eyes at the screen. The last thing he did was erase a name at the top of the paper, renaming the file. Will saved it then opened the window that I hadn't closed. It was the window that contained the drop box for the assignment. Before I could stop him Will had already sent in whatever it was he worked on.

"Will no! Please don't tell me you just sent in one of your past works from when you took this course."

"Okay then I won't," He had a smug look on his face and I knew what he had done.

"How could you? What if I get caught?!" The panic rose in my voice and he stood up. "No one will find out. I changed quite a bit of things in there to make it different so don't worry about it." Will tapped the side of my face with his hand.

"If I get kicked out of this university because of you, I swear I'll hurt you." All he did was laugh at my threat to him. I crossed my arms to show I was being serious. Will turned around walking out of my dorm room, before he shut the door he gave me one last look, "How about you freshen up then I'll come back to get you so we can go out for some brunch."

Before I could respond he closed the door and what I was going to say just came out as a huff. My feet didn't move from the spot where I was standing. Will is lucky I didn't feel like going to my history class anyway. Two of my classes have already gone by this morning so mind as well skip my last one. What's the point of going to a class you hate if the other somewhat enjoyable ones have gone by already. That's the logic of most students nowadays or maybe that is how its always been. Either way it didn't matter. As long as core classes for my major were being passed then I should be fine.

That was the thing though I hadn't checked my grades all semester to see if I was passing or failing any of my classes. Maybe all of them had bad grades, who knows. A lot of people say that education makes a difference if you want to go far in life, but that doesn't always mean you'll be successful.

I shook my head getting all of these deep thoughts out of my head. It's already been fifteen minutes since Will left my room and I was in the same spot. I sluggishly dragged my feet across the floor seeing the slight imprint they left. My body desperately needed a shower so I turned on the water then picked out some clothes for the day.

Not too much later I had "freshened up" as William would say. Right as I stepped out of my bathroom there was a knock then the door opened. In the slight millisecond that was left I remembered I didn't have a towel on.

"Hey Alexis are you... um why are you naked?" she questioned. Oh thank goodness it was just Linea. She came in closing the door behind her shielding her eyes somewhat.

"Sorry, I thought you were Will." Sighing in relief, I continued to get dressed.

"Did I interrupt something?" She smirked and I was confused at first then got the hint. After I put on my shirt I threw a pillow at her head. She ducked and it missed hitting the wall instead. "Shut up, I wouldn't do anything like that. Not with Will anyway."

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