Chapter 7 - Kiingtong?

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Alexis' POV:

We had been walking for a little while now on the path to the fountains. There were strategically placed fountains on campus and various other water features around campus that students ran through during the warmer months for good luck. I never did go on a fountain run maybe that was the reason my mood kept turning to crap so fast.

Will stopped in front of the largest water fountain there was on campus. He let go of my hand and to sit on the ledge that was far enough away to keep whoever sat on it dry but still close enough so you could feel the cool breeze it created. I sat next to him still not opening my mouth to say a word while my gaze fixated on the rushing water.

"You going to tell me what's been bugging you?" Will spoke up after what seemed like hours of silence.

I hesitated, opening and closing my mouth like a mindless goldfish stuck in a bowl, trying to find words to say. To Will's displeasure a coherent answer didn't come out. He huffed shrugging his shoulders. Out of the corner of my eyes it was obvious that his eyes were focused on me, like he was attempting to study my aura. My face stayed free of emotion. Finally he looked away back to the fountain but not without taking my hand that was closest to him petting the top of it softly with his thumb. The gesture made me flinch at first, but eventually I welcomed it.

A few more minutes had passed before I became trapped in the walls of my mind again. It was becoming a problem without a solution and there never seemed to be a clear way out unless William was around to snap me out of it. I don't know how long we stayed there before I felt a gentle tug on my arm. My head snapped up looking to my best friend who had a smile on his face.

"What?" A singular word finally found its way into the open.

"She speaks!" He giggles obviously amused which gained him an eye roll from me. "Come on let's go for a night run." He suggested.

Suddenly aware of my surroundings, I realized that the fountain light were on and the sky was dark. It occurred to me that we had been sitting out here for hours. Will could have left me, but he didn't, he stayed right by my side the whole time. I watched as his face started to fall from the smile he once had; probably thinking my answer would be no.

"Sure, let's go." I said without a second thought. William's face brightened up instantly. Somehow his smile made me feel better.

Will took out all his phone and camera hiding them within the crevice of the ledge and I did the same. He ran under the gushing fountain with his arms out stretched welcoming the lukewarm water. I followed suit staying close behind him before running off to the other water features that were nearby.

It was like the water adorning my head washed all the bad thoughts away because I was laughing like crazy from just being in a splash fight with Will. We ran around chasing after each other earning some weird looks from other people. After we had truced we laid in a patch of grass looking up at the moon.

"Feel better now?" Will questioned. My reply wasn't immediate because I was seeing if I really did in fact feel better.

"Yeah, that was fun," I finally responded. He did a cute little giggle covering his mouth in the process before getting up. "We should go back now, it's getting late." He helped me up pulling on my wrists.

We quickly gathered all of our belongings, getting on our way back to my dorm. William pulled out his camera turning it on. "Hello guys, um sorry I haven't vlogged since brunch, but right now Alexis and I are leaving from doing a fountain run. It was pretty awesome! You probably can't see me really well, but we're soaked. Anyway I'm walking back Lex to her room then I'll catch you guys in a bit." Will finished cutting off the camera carrying it in his hand since his pockets were drenched.

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