ARTHUR MORGAN - bounty hunters

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I press my horse on, further into the forest. My chest heaves and my heart beats faster than anything before. I am being chased by bounty hunters, racing after dear ol' me. Why dont they go after someone else? My bounties only at 5,000.

Oh. Thats why.

Bullets fly passed me, some scraping me and others leaving me thanking God that they flew right passed. Curses and warnings are yelled to me as I turn another corner, a failed attempt at getting them off my tail.

Luck was on my side today until I left Rhodes and saw six men staring me down. There I was, minding my own business, buying some ammunition and I turn around to see that some guys are taking me to jail. Obviously, I wouldn't stand for that so I shot him in the leg and made a run for it. They were persistent, so was I. Now, I am on this wild goose chase, and I'm the goose.

Another shot rang in the air, another bullet flew. This one landed. In my shoulder at least but, damn, did it hurt.

I bottled up the pain I felt and put it in a little bottle and kept on going. I'm not getting arrested. I'm not going to jail. Never. I refuse.

"Stop, Y/n L/n!" One shouts as he fireds a warning shot.

"Your horse is getting tired!" Another yells.

He's right. My horse is getting tired. But we can't stop. Not yet. I have to keep going a little longer.

"And yours isn't, asshole?" I shout as I pull out my revolver and started shooting at them. A bullet landed on one and he fell to the ground. A smirk grew on my face as the number of men following me lowered to five.

Just when I thought luck was getting back on my side. I was thrown into the air and slammed against a tree, then splat onto the ground. This horse is going to be the death of me.

I don't know where the bounty hunters are. All I know is my body aches, my shoulder stings, everything is hurting and I'm laying in dirt. As I look up, I mentally list another thing I now know. My horse is gone. Fucking wonderful.

Slowly getting up from the ground, I realize my gun isn't where it should be. I search the ground for it but its nowhere to be found.

I cant fight. Cant ride away. Only one thing left; run like hell.

I pick myself up and force myself to run in the direction of camp, it can't be too far.

I can hear their footsteps behind me. They're sending shots at me, some missing, some not, all not stopping me from running.

Okay, I don't have a high pain tolerance, I'm not the toughest person in the world. I would much rather lay down and cry. But, I can't do that, I have too much pride. I especially can't because of all the shit I talked before they started chasing me.

I look up and that's when I see it, camp. I can see the candles lit through the trees and it sends a rush of hope through me. That rush of hope leaves when I slip and fall on my face.

I search my pockets and belt for something to defend myself with and my hand lands on a knife. I swiftly pull it out, turn onto my back, and hold the knife to the bounty hunter that was standing over me.

I look around and realize it was only him left. Where did they all go?

"Where's your friends?" I question, gripping the knife tighter. My chest is heaving and I pray that someone's heard this commotion and is coming to check it out.

He chuckles. "They left, thought only one of us would need to deal with you."

I shake my head as I kick his foot out from under him and he falls to the ground. I then get up from the ground and stand over him.

ONESHOTS ↛ RDR2 जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें