Part 5- The Mermaid Lagoon

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After a while, they reached the end of the blue road. It led to a beach. Suddenly, they saw a mermaid jumping from the water. It had flowing blue hair with a shining blue tail. When she saw Raimon, she quickly changed to her human form. She called the other mermaids. And, they changed to their human form too. "Greetings humans. You are here to look for the second piece of the mirror key. Am I correct?" Said the blue mermaid. Raimon just nodded slowly. The mermaids smiled. "Okay, but first, you have to win against us in a soccer match." She said. "E-Ehh?! Why?" Asked Tenma. "We won't give you the piece just like that. In fact, soccer is quite popular in your world. Am I correct? Anyway, I'm sure this will be an easy match for you since we're beginners at soccer." She said. "If you are just beginners, then why challenge us to a soccer match?" Asked Tsurugi in an annoying tone. "Oh, because I heard that the place where the mirror went was a school famous for its soccer. I just want you to prove it. That's all." Said the blue mermaid. "Okay, fine." Kagura said. And then, they quickly took their positions. This time, Raimon did the kick off by Kagura and Tenma. Kagura dribbled upward and easily got past the mermaids. Then, she passed it to Nishiki. He did one of his hissatsu techniques and they scored easily. "Okay, that's enough!" Said the blue mermaid. Then, everyone stopped playing. "I was really moved by your plays. Even our goalie was scared of your shot to be honest." She added and chuckled. Anyway, we'll give you the piece tomorrow. For now, you need some rest. It's getting dark." Said the blue mermaid. Raimon slowly nodded. They led them to a chamber. And Raimon slept there.
The next day, Raimon met the mermaids in the shore. They handed them a pearl box. Kagura opened it and found the second piece inside. She got the first piece and put it inside the box with the second piece. "Thank you!" She said. "You are very much welcome. I hope that you can get home safely." The blue mermaid said and waved goodbye. Raimon waved back and they started walking, looking for the green road.

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