Chapter 14. goddess of death

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Tw-mention of dying/death/deads

Winter was coming by quickly which made everyone a bit more anxious, a war during a snow storm wasn't the best. Although Tommy doesn't seem to see the problem, he says that snow storms are beautiful.
An echo was created everytime Technoblade's heavy boots touched the ground. The air was humid, heavy and cold, puddles of water were a scattered around the cracked stone floor. The basement wasn't somewhere that people normally went to, some said that it was haunted but those were just stupid little rumors.

Techno ran a hand over the misplaced rocks that were placed to make a wall. Tommy followed him from close, behind him was Purpled, his eyes had a shade of purple to them which was new. The pink haired man stops and waves his torch in front of them revealing a huge statue of a woman with a long dark dress and a long hat, a veil covered her face. Techno kneels in front of it.

Tommy furrows his brows at his action but he does the same fearing death. He looks at Technoblade who carefully placed a candle in front of his knees and he lights it up delicately. It was rare to see him act like this. His face was illuminated by the small flame, it danced around in a hypnotizing way. Then Techno starts mumbling words and the two boys starts panicking.

"Xýpna thánato, xýpna, na se do álli forá, érchomai me állous... mána" (wake up death, wake up, let me see you another time, I come here with others, Mother)

Suddenly the floor starts grumbling and the statue shaking. Tommy yelps as a crack forms itself right below him. Purpled firmly takes his hand and yanks him away, the floor splits and the place where Tommy stood was nothing else than a deep and cold hole. Techno stayed still, his eyes glued on the candle.

Everything stops and silence filled the basement, they could hear drops of water crashing on the ground. Then it was interrupted by a loud crash, the statue had split in half and a woman stood in the middle, she looked the same as the statue except with colours. She lifts up her veil revealing her eyes which were a dark purple. Her lips were curved in a sweet smile.

Technoblade gets up looking at the woman like she was a ghost. She takes a step forwards getting closer to him. Then she hugs him, he, to Tommy's and Purpled's suprise, hugged back. He melted in the hug mumbling incomprehensible words but the woman seemed to understand as she hums and chuckles. She brushes his hair with her soft hands before looking at the two others.

"Well hello Tommy and Purpled, I've been waiting for you to come" She says, her voice was like honey, her movements were elegant.

"Who are yo-" Purpled gets rudely interrupted by Tommy.

"How do you know who we are?"

"First off, I am Death but call me Kristen, I am Techno's and Wil's mother and as you probably processed, Phil's wife." She answers. "Also, I know you because I've seen you, in a vision. I knew that you were coming but I just didn't know when, it is an honour to finally meet you, both"

Tommy and Purpled look at eachother, their eyes widen. They didn't know how to feel about all this, their emotions were mixed, fear, comfort and excitement. They haven't realized the two men who were now next to Techno, Phil and Wilbur.

"There's a lot of explaining that has to be done" Tommy whispers but his words echoes in the humid and large room.


They sat next to the dying fire which burnt the dry logs in the fireplace. Snowflakes whirl in the sky, the blue sky was hidden by white fluffy clouds and the grass was covered in a thick coat of snow. Tommy looked out the window in amazement, he treasured it, the view and the memories. In the UK it snowed only a bit and even when it snowed the most snow they coud get normally was five centimeters.

"So, do you want some tea Tommy?" Kristen asks lifting up a kettle of peppermint tea Tommy shakes his head and kindly declines. Purpled on his side was chugging the burning hot tea, Tommy scrunches up his nose only thinking of the burning sensation he would get in his throat and tongue if he did that. He had already burnt his tongue by taking a too big sip of hot chocolate and he couldn't taste anything for the day.

"Tell me, Kristen, what do you do?" Purpled asks sinking in the sofa.

"I sort the dead" She says."There is three ‘classes’ or ‘rank’ as people like to call them, first there is ghost or spirit and it basically means that you are sticked on earth for a long time. Secondly there is the eternal death so the person is dead forever with no chances of waking up and finally there is well Limbo, half dead and half alive, waiting till they get sent back to earth or to permanent death, some rare times it's their choice"

The night falls and they all go to sleep. Tommy stays awake staring at the ceiling his brain filled with questions.

Short chapter kinda... I think-

Mental health isn't doing so good so sorry for not posting a lot.

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