Chapter 15. sorry for rebublishing this multiple times

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Tw-Posessed? Idk.

The clouds were dark, it wasn't just grey it was black, Ender city hasn't seen light for the day because of the thick black clouds that were above it. The air was heavy and humide. Tommy lays on his back on the damp grass staring at the sky, a shiver ros down his spine as a cold breeze brushes his face. His training sword layed next to him.

Technoblade sat next to him sharpening a used sword. His pink hair were tied into a loose braid with strands sticking out of it. They were supposed to be training but the weather was insufferable. They couldn't train in such conditions, Tommy was gasping for air after dodging and blocking two swing from Techno and Technoblade had nearly collapsed four times since they've stepped outside.

Tommy hums a song bopping his head along, he wishes he had earplugs right now but cassette players don't even exist in this weird dimension. He groans and sits up picking a dandelion from the grown and putting it in Techno's braid. Techno turns around and smiles shortly. He wasn't the one to show a lot of affection but when he did people remember because it's such a rare thing.

"You're not a bad kid Tommy" He says while letting go of the sword.

"Coming from you it's more believable" Tommy snickers.

"No but seriously, you are living you're life at your best and I admire that of you" Techno picks up flowers and starts braiding them.

"What are you doing..?" The blonde asks.

"I'm making you a present"

Tommy looks at him suspicious. He closes his eyes and feels a drop of water hit his nose. He opens his eyes and sees raindrops falling from the sky, there wasn't a lot. Technoblade didn't mind the rain, he continued to make the 'present'. The wind rose making leaves whirl around them.

Soon the raindrops became snowflakes, the dark grey clouds were now white. Tommy looks at Techno confused. The pink haired man only shrugs not seeming bothered by the sudden change of weather. Technoblade shows his present, it was a crown flower. Tommy's eyes brighten and he takes the crown joyfully. He places it on top of his head.

"Thank you"

"Yup" Tommy whips his head around at Technoblade's weird answer.

Tommy looks at Techno, he was lost in his thoughts, his eyes glued to the grass which slowly turned white. Tommy didn't see a heartless, emotionless and tough guy anymore he saw a man who cared for the people around him and he couldn't show his emotions very well, of course Tommy did not know Techno very well but he still hope that one day he would open up to him a bit more.

"When I was about your age, before I got 'kicked' out of Netherlands, Sapnap and I used to make crown flowers. Even though the flowers in the nether were dead we still spent half of the day making them, I still have one kept in my drawer back at home" Technoblade says as if he was reading in Tommy's thoughts.

"Where do you live? Do you live in the ruins of your castle?" The blonde asks.

"Of course not!" Techno chuckles. "I live somewhere in the north, I have a few polar bears and tones of wolves. You'd love it there"

"In my world, Purpled and I we were inseparable." Tommy mumbles with a hint of sadness in his voice. "I just feel like I'm losing him since we've arrived here, he's not the same"

"Yeah, friendships are the worst, they can just stop talking to you and yell at you and... They won't apologize because they don't care"

Tommy looks at Techno (again). He looked angry and hurt in the same time. He knew that he had waited to say those words for the longest time. He had kept his anger in for years probably and Tommy knew it felt good to let it all out. Even though he didn't really know why Technoblade was mad and he also didn't know who he was mad at but he didn't care, some things are better kept than told, that's what Puffy says when boys say mean comments.

Tommy is burst out of his bubble as he sees Techno gripping on his sword, his knuckles had turned white and his blue normal veins were now pink. He jumps up and looks straight in his red eyes, he forgot what was his eyes colour, maybe it was always red, but he knew it was never that red. It glowed. Technoblade slowly gets up holding his sword firmly. He takes a step towards Tommy putting the point of the blade on his chin lifting it up. Tommy starts panicking.

"You, you remind us of him"

Tommy's soul leaves his body, that was certainly not Technoblade's normal voice, it sounded like hundreds of voice all talking in sync. Technoblade takes a step further.

"Your hair are the same, your posture is the same, your gender is the same. You manipulating brat!"

"Techno" Tommy says stuttering.

Technoblade's eyes return to their natural colour. He looks at Tommy who was frighten. He seems to understand what was going on since he drops his sword and looks at his hands. His bangs hid his face but Tommy could see a tear roll down his face. He was surprised, never he had thought seeing Techno cry, he thought that crying made men weak but seeing Technoblade cry made him think otherwise.

Tommy hugs him but the older man doesn't hug back. Techno takes a step back shaking his head. He places a hand over his forehead and falls down to the ground, sobbing. Guilt, poured out of his eyes. He looks at his sword in disgust and fear. Tommy sits down next to him still leaving him some space so he could calm down a bit.

"I'm sorry, I was scared that it might happen in front of you" Techno sniffles.

"What do you mean?" The curious boy tilts his head.

"When the voices get too loud sometimes they take control of me, I am not conscious during those times. Once, I hurt someone that I cared about because of the voices and since that day, I am scared of... Myself"

Tommy looks at him with a choked expression.

"The voices, they said something about me looking like someone and saying that I'm a manipulator"

Technoblade's face darkens he mumbles something which sounded like 'forget it' and walks away his fist curled. Tommy gets up and brushes off the melting snow off his pants which were now wet. He groans as he realizes that his hair are probably also soaking wet, or will be when he enters the castle where it is warm and cozy.

He walks to the castle and is greater by Purpled. Bags were curved under his eyes and his hair were a mess. He looked at him with painful eyes. Tommy walks up to him and sits down next to him on the floor of the hallways. Purpled starts crying. Tommy didn't know how to react, he's just experienced Techno crying and opening up to him and he was met with a familiar scene a few minutes after.

Purpled burries his face in the sleeves of his long shirt. Tommy pats his back and starts playing with his hair trying to calm him down. After two minutes, his crying faded. He hiccups and lays his head on Tommy's shoulder while playing with the (now) humid sleeves of his shirt.

"I'm sorry I wasn't a good friend to you" He whispers.

"Purpled, don't say that."

"It's true, I've barely spoke to you these last few days only when we went to bed or at the table and we might die soon, when the war will start, and I spent time with Punz, someone that I barely even know. Someone who might be lying about his whole life. Tommy do you forgive me?"

"... yes"

Purpled smiles and his eyes start closing slowly, his insomnia has restarted a few days ago, maybe it was from the stress or the guilt of not spending time with Tommy. He is snapped out of his napping state by Tubbo.

"They are here" the king says.

"Who" Purpled and Tommy ask in sync.

"The green army"


Help, one of my teacher is h0m0ph0b1c, tr@n$ph0b1c and s€xist. she says that she won't go to her nephews wedding because he's gay- like wtf then I'll go to his wedding if you are such an asshole.

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