gremlins, that's what they are

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Yasunari sighed, flipping through a notebook one of his juniors had given him, the pages filled to the brim with the particular brown haired junior's awful scrawl.

The pages were inked full with recipes of explosive foods, all created in the weekly kitchens explosions caused by a certain small ginger and a bandaged brunette.

Hearing the door of the information department of the mafia burst open, Yasunari already knew who it was, the moment his ability (invisible after the first sound wave— the activation. and so, so incredibly fast. his ability worked so fast.) was disperse as soon as it touched the young boy.

A 15 year old Dazai Osamu strutted in, slamming yet another notebook down onto Yasunari's desk. He smelt of smoke and cookie batter.

“ is mori freaking out, again?” he hummed, picking up the new notebook— the pages covered in burns and soot and the smell of smoke and cookies and fire and— it was nice. A homely feel to it despite the dark place they were in.

Yasunari could proudly say the kids in the mafia were like his siblings, despite his inhumane nature and unexplained existence.

They loved him anyway.

“ yes, we blew up the kitchens again.” ah, there came the answer he loved to hear.

“ mori's reaction must have been hilarious, yes?”

“ of course, i took a picture!”

Dazai brandished out his phone, flipping it open and moving to the pictures app— and clicked onto a certain picture of the boss.

The black haired man was standing at the doorway, frowning in exasperation as he ran a hand down his face. His eyes wide with horror as he took in the situation of the scene. Smoke and fires covered half of the entire kitchens, misting around the boss.

Yasunari laughed, shaking his head. He snapped the notebook in his hands closed and clasped his own phone into his now free hand.

“ send that to me, okay?”

“ kay!”

Dazai sat onto his desk and swung his legs around, pressing around his phone and Yasunari's phone dinged, signalling that the picture had been sent.

Despite the young boy being an executive, he was a good 4 years younger than Yasunari.

Yasunari wouldn't trade this for anything.

A few years later, Yasunari caught the disappointed and guilty eyes of a certain brown haired boy as he left the mafia, running out of the building with only his wallet, passport and phone in a bag.

He later found out oda sakunosuke had died just before he left.

Yasunari felt terrible. He had left his little brother in his time of need.

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