since when was he a babysitter?

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this chapter is relatively chill, but it does have triggering topics aside from the underlying angst. i have my own headcanons towards mori and dazai's relationship, and i kinda explored that here with an outsider's pov aka yasunari.

abandonment, implied r*pe, manipulation, abuse, p*dophilic ideals, the usual when it comes to fanfics with mori tbh. but if any of these trigger you, please click off and wait for my next chapter, however long will it take.

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Yasunari stared at the boy standing in front of him blankly, noting down the emotionless stare that sent shivers down his spine. The boy reminded the  14 year old too much of himself, back when his first memories were of a white lab coat and a woman (his mother, some voice in his head supplied.) walking away.

Dazai Osamu stared up at him with a pair of amber brown eyes, neither a sparkle nor shine in them. Yasunari pointed a finger at the boy before looking up at the Boss.

“ Mori... San? Who is this?”

Mori just smiled, leaning forwards into his clasped hands. Yasunari noticed the hidden sign, "come closer," the Boss said.

And so he did.

He took a step around the boy, his ability erupting around him in waves thay captured information, silently and invisible whenever he needed it to be. However, he couldn't get any sort of information on the young boy at all!

Mori shifted his chair closer into his desk, gesturing towards the ten year old behind Yasunari. Yasunari tilted his head, and as he saw the minute squint of Mori's eyes when the older man saw the action — he knew he would be given every kind of information he desired on the young boy.

Manipulative as it is, he was raised by the man after all. It was second nature to him at this point.

“ Osamu-kun is my young charge, I had found him on the streets close to the headquarters. Who am I to ignore the cries of a child?”

That grin on the man's face alongside the tone his voice took on as he said "cries of a child" worried Yasunari, but he shook it off. This was his guardian, his teacher. He couldn't think such of him.

“ However, I am too busy drowning in my work to care for him. That's why I called you here! You're the closest to his age, thus I'll be appointing you his official nanny!”

Mori cheered as waved his hands around. Yasunari swerved slightly to dodge the hands coming for him, he didn't want to be hit any more today, thanks.

This wasn't what Yasunari was expecting when he was called up to the Boss's office, though. He thought that maybe he had done something wrong again, like write a word wrong in the documents or interpret a target's emotions wrong from the information his ability gave to him.

Or heck, even stepping wrong when doing his dance lessons Mori demanded he learn (he was doing the feminine part, weirdly enough. Did Boss not know he was a male? Maybe he'd have to tell him one day.) alongside the various textbooks, journals and workbooks he had to memorise and recite to Mori.

Anything that warranted a hit and then a soft voice tugging at his mind to rest, to submit as hands roamed his body.

He wouldn't remember what happened after that, as he woke on his bed with a fresh pair of clothes and his legs sore and bruises he didn't remember getting.

He'd get pitying glances from members as he walked down the hallways, Ozaki-nee would be gentler to him the days after.

Enough of reminiscing and wondering what happened, he blinked twice as he glanced between Dazai and Boss.

“ Na... Nanny?”

“ Yes! You are to direct him around the building and care for him! Unfortunately you aren't able to use your abilities on him as he has a special ability.”

“ 'Special ability'? What is it?”

“ I'm getting to it, Yasunari-kun,” Mori hummed, picking up his fountain pen from where it lied on his desk. Yasunari shut up.

“ His ability is called "No Longer Human". As it suggests, he is no longer human. An unknown entity, perhaps. His ability has the intriguing use of disabling other abilities, neutralising them to nothing. Isn't that odd?

“ Anywho, you'll be in charge of his wellbeing. Do take care now! I don't want you getting hurt, after all.”

Yasunari bowed towards the Boss, and a hand placed itself in his long locks, ruffling his perfectly combed and tied hair. He stood up as the hand was removed, and directed the young boy towards the doors.

He stilled as the older man's voice called out, “ I would love for you to try on a nanny outfit. An apron, a blouse, a skirt and nothing underneath. Wouldn't that be cute on you?”

He could feel and hear the leer in the man's voice. He hurriedly pushed Dazai away from the doors as security closed the doors.

“ It'd be a favour, no? For saving you from that lab, you wear whatever I want you to wea—”

The doors shut before Yasunari could hear the finished sentence.

Why was his heart beating so quick? He felt out of breath, like he had just ran a few kilometres in a marathon.

That's a thought for future Yasunari to think about, present Yasunari had a kid to care for.

He wouldn't disappoint Boss.

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