meetings of fate

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dazai stared forward blankly, at the group of criminals that had just walked out of the trees and towards them.

they were a mangy group, all led by a russian and an ukrainian in a clown get-up.

but, so were his side. the port mafia and the ada having forged an alliance to fight the forces of such a small yet so deadly enemy.

then he showed up.

he, the one who had raised him better than mori ever would. even if for a little while only.

he, who was the older brother he never had.

he, who was the one thing that had gave him a sense of belonging before odasaku or chuuya.

he, who though himself as inhumane- as a monster. who thought he had no emotions.

he, who was the kindest of them- matching even odasaku in his charity.

because he took a broken child like dazai in, brought dazai under his wing.

kawabata yasunari came out from the small crowd of people wearing mostly white, in his colourful and traditional japanese outfit, yet a slightly chinese look to it.

the bespectacled man stopped in his tracks, standing directly in front of his group, between the alliance and the decay of angels.

he looked good. still as sickly pale snd skinny as always- but good. he grew tall, the 28 year old man looked great. shorter than the 24 year old dazai but, he had a sense of some kind of wisdom around him. a sense of maturity dazai never seemed to be able to emanate.

a maturity gained from a kid grown up too fast.

yasunari stilled as he noticed dazai, and the short ginger standing beside the brunette- just a few centimetres behind.

chuuya's breath hitched as he took in the figure of someone he had considered family once. someone he had taken comfort in before.

dazai glanced at mori, frowning at the dark look in the mafia boss' eyes. were they really still trying to hunt the man down?

they had given up on trying to hunt dazai. yasunari was smart, not to a level of genius like himself or fyodor, but he was smart.

he knew the mafia inside out, had every little information about the mafia written down in various notebooks he had kept throughout his years in the mafia- so he wouldn't forget everything due to his awful memory.

of course he'd be able to evade the mafia's grasps for so long.

dazai blinked, coming back from his thoughts to realise the air was getting awkward. fyodor was smirking while nikolai chuckled, yasunari fidgeted with a notebook in his hands, the pages worn and crinkled and yellow and so, so charred- but it was cherished and held delicately.

oh. dazai thought.

that's the notebook i had given him when i left the mafia. i sent it to him, via mail. he changed his address afterwards, though i always found him.

" yasunari..."

dazai looked to chuuya, the smaller male being the one to mutter the name of a feared and deadly ex-mafioso and a current enemy.

" ... hello chuuya, dazai," yasunari greeted, nodding his head towards them. " it has been a while."

oh how much dazai had missed his voice. it was smooth and honey like, always able to calm him down in his worst moments.

it worked, even now.

chuuya had been so tense before, now he was relaxed, calmer than before. dazai himself had stopped shaking.

how he missed yasunari and odasaku's voices. so, so much.

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