Wasnt this, the end?

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Andrew woke up, he had a massive pain going through his head. "Ugh my damn head, wait, where the hell am I?" He asks himself looking around. The room he was in looked like a lab from hopes peak academy. it had detective journals and even more. He saw a few cabinets, he didn't fully understand everything, his room looked like a detectives office.

Andrew walked out and ended up in the gymnasium. "Woah, woah, woah." Andrew says looking. When Andrew saw the group, 14 of them were standing around. He recognized some. "James, Sarah, Fred, Charlie?" Andrew asks seeing them. "Wait? Andrew!?" Sarah yells confused. "Wow, who thought we'd see another familiar face." James says. "I definitely didn't." Charlie says. "Yeah, I can definitely agree, it's good to see you again old friend." Fred says to Andrew. "I'm so confused, I thought I died." Andrew says. "Yeah, same here." James says. "This like? Some kind of weird place?" Charlie asks. Out the corner of his eye, Fred sees someone he recognizes. "Raph? Is that you buddy?" Fred asks seeing Raphael. Raphael looks at Fred. "It's been 5 years man, how've you been?" Raphael asks.

"Wait, you know this guy?" Andrew asks Fred. "Yep, Raphael, we, go back a good mile." Fred says. "Woah cool." Charlie says. "Say, you're charlie right?" Raphael asks. "Yeah?" Charlie says. Raphael scratches the back of his head. "How do you know my name?" Charlie asks. 'Yeah, I should probably talk with her about how Lori feels later.' Raphael thinks to himself.

"Oh yeah, these are the people I know the best here." Raphael says chuckling. "Heya!" McKenna says waving. "You gotta be so loud?" Lucas asks. "Relax Uhh, what's your name?" Christopher asks. "Lucas Drake." Lucas says. "Yeah, i got you confused with someone named burn." Christopher says. "Ehh, must be a weird guy." Lucas says not caring. "Yeah, very much." Christopher says. "You could say that again." Raphael says.

Andrew scratches his head as he sees another trio. Three males this time. One of them was wearing a cloak, the other two were talking. "Hey there." Andrew says waving. "Hey." Xavier says. "Xavier, that's not like you to say hi right away." Tanako says. "Yeah what's it to you, you dumb fuck who got killed by a mere sword." Xavier responds. "Hey, Emiko didn't mean it, I miss her." Jay says. "And I miss my brother and bat but we can't all get what we want." Xavier says. "Jeez, no need to be so edgy." Jay says to Xavier.

Andrew leaves that trio and meets up with the last two people in the room. "Hey there." Andrew says to the two, the two boys look at him. "Hey there, I'm Eclipse Newton, nice to meetcha." Eclipse says. "And I'm Sylvester Rogers." Sylvester says. Andrew counts 15 people in the gym when suddenly, a 16th person runs in panting. "Well, beat my last score, so that's good." Stephanie says. "Hey steph, you're late again!" Sylvester says laughing. "Yeah yeah ok, I get it, I'm late, who the hell cares." Stephanie says.

"Umm ok than." Andrew says confused, he looks around. "Huh, well is this everyone? I feel more should be here." Andrew says. "Nope, I double checked before arriving, only 16 rooms, so no one extra." Raphael says. Lucas notices something. "Guys, 16 of us, there were 16 in each killing right?" Lucas asks. "But, aren't we dead?" Charlie asks. "No, I think he's onto something." Xavier says. "Yeah, if we all share two things in common, those being in a killing game and being ultimates at what we do, I think a killing is inevitable." James says. "Monokuma would've made himself known if that was the case." Tanako says. "You never know with that damn bear." McKenna says.

Just than, a girl with green hair jumps down. "Welcome, Monica decided to follow in big Sis Junkos steps." Monica says. "The hell does that mean?" Eclipse asks. "Monica is hosting another killing, one where you can save yourselves if you do a killing." Monica says. "And with us here." A boy with a headband says. "I'm Nagisa, the one with a headband is Masuru, the one with a mask over his entire head is Jotoro, and the pink one is kotoko, we're the warriors of hope." Nagisa says. "Monica suggests you listen and play the game." Monica says. "Like hell we'll listen to this!" Jay yells. "We already went through this once! Like hell I'm killing myself again!" Christopher yells. "I think you demons don't have a choice, if you want to bring yourselves back that is." Monica says. "Listen little girl, I don't want to have to say this more than once, but like hell we'll listen to any of this!" Sarah yells. Monica shakes her head. "You will, humans are so predictable." Monica says as she leaves with the other warriors of hope.

"I don't want to kill again!" Stephanie yells panicking. Eclipse pins Stephanie to the wall. "What, would coach Vasily say?" Eclipse asks. Stephanie starts deep breathing to calm down. "Yeah, no ones, forced to kill right?" Sarah asks. "I want to leave that, behind me." Raphael says. "Yeah, I can't deal with this." Xavier says. "Regardless of what we want, we'll have to, Monokuma was one thing, but these five, their something different." Sylvester says. Everyone looks around. 'There's no way another killing would happen, right?' Andrew asks himself.

Danganronpa: a second chanceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें