Party for the dead

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Everyone had just left the trial site, and was shaken. Eclipse was dead, and no one knew what would happen next. As everyone went to their dorms, a few of the people stayed up, Andrew being one of them. He walked over to one of the other people still awake, that being Charlie.

"Hey, Charlie?" Andrew asks. Charlie looks at Andrew. "Yeah?" Charlie asks. "I know you want to avenge Fred, I do too, but, we can't until we know his killer." Andrew says. "You know, there's something I noticed." Charlie says. "What?" Andrew asks. "There's only 15 of us when we started, shouldn't there have been 16?" Charlie asks. Andrew pauses for a moment and thinks. 'Yeah, Charlie's right, there are only 15 when we started, Xavier, Christopher, James, Raphael, Fred, Tanako, Eclipse, the ones that remain, Sylvester, Sarah, Lucas, Jay, McKenna, Stephanie, Charlie, and myself, we don't equal 16 together.' Andrew comes to a realization. "Maybe, there's a secret person here." Andrew says. "That's why you're the ultimate detective." Charlie says. "Former, I never was, I was just, a detective, and, I'm not the best in the field anyway. Regardless, we don't have our talents here, just, like to remember them," Andrew says. "Still, you were the ultimate detective when we met, doesn't mean I'll stop trusting you just because we don't have our talents anymore, we still have one thing that keeps them alive." Charlie says. "And that is?" Andrew asks. "Our skills, we practiced them to become ultimates at them, and now look, we are the experts at the skill, thus got the ultimate title from them, ultimate or not, you're still a detective, like, I'm a author, heh, Fred said I was his favorite author, ever." Charlie says looking down. Andrew puts a hand on her shoulder. "We'll make it out, for him, and everyone else," Andrew says. Charlie nods. "Yeah, and, because when Fred read my stories he loved them, I'll write a story he told me he'd love to read when we are out of here." Charlie says. "What genre?" Andrew asks. "It's a secret." Charlie chuckles and heads to her dorm. Andrew heads to his as well.

The next day, everyone meets up. "So, anything happen we should discuss?" Jay asks. Everyone goes quiet, than, Sylvester pops a note on the table. "This." Sylvester says. "Wait what!?" Sarah yells freaking out a bit. "I think we need somewhere, more condensed to feel safe from this threat." Sylvester says. "Like what?" McKenna asks. "Over there, there's a music room no one goes to, where we can all go." Sylvester says. "Ok, but, who's setting everything up?" Jay asks. "I'll do it." Sylvester says. "I got the note, I think I should do it, to avoid any kills." Sylvester says. "I'll assist you," McKenna says. "Me too." Charlie says. "I'll come and assist as well." Jay says. With that, the four go off to work on the party in the music room. Andrew, Sarah, Stephanie, and Lucas are the only ones that didn't go. "So, you excited about the party?" Andrew asks the three. "It seems interesting." Sarah says. "Yeah definitely." Stephanie agrees. "I'm not going." Lucas says. "Why not?" Stephanie asks. "Because, I have a feeling it won't go the way we want." Lucas says.

Later that day, when the party is all set up, everyone but Lucas is there. "Yeah, this was a good idea to set up." Stephanie says. "You're welcome." Sylvester says. Andrew looks around. 'Everyone is enjoying themselves, maybe I'll get Lucas to get over here and chill with us, I think That'd work.' Andrew thinks to himself. As Andrew walks out, Stephanie grabs his arm. "No Andrew, you don't need to leave." She says. "Oh?" Andrew asks. "I'll get Lucas." Stephanie says. "How'd you know I was going to get him?" Andrew asks. "Good intuition, also hes the only one not here and, Charlie is on guard duty." Stephanie says. Andrew nods as Stephanie goes out of the room to the dorms.

A couple minutes go by, and than, a blackout happens. "What the hell is going on?" One of the voices says. "I have no idea!?" Another says. "Guys I think the power went off, I'll get it!" One of the voices says. After the blackout, everyone is shocked, there, on the ground, is a dead body faceplanted underneath a table, is the dead body of Sarah Wagner. Something was used to stab into her body, and there's something glowing in her hand.

8 remain

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