Third trial

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Everyone went down to the trial site, and what they couldn't believe, was that two died, Fred, and Tanako. The signs with their faces were displayed with the x across, just like all the others.

Monica: "Monica feels you know the rules, so Monica decides not to bother you."

Andrew: "like you were before, anyway, what evidence do we have?"

Stephanie: "Fred looked like he was cut all over, and that he got something slammed on his head."

Jay: "not only that, but, he had a trial of blood leaking behind him, like, he crawled away from where he was initially attacked."

Eclipse: "so, what room was he killed in?"

Andrew: "based on the trial of blood, and that I followed it, it was a back shed."

Charlie: "a Shed? In a school?"

McKenna: "how?"

Lucas: "most schools have a secret area, a compartment they don't want others to see, they hide things there. I would know, I've heard about it from others."

Sylvester: "ahh yes, Lucas, the smart one is saying all the smart things, yes, just what I believed would happen from you!"

McKenna: "Sylvester."

Sylvester: "yes?"

McKenna: "shut up."

Sarah: "let's go over the rest of the evidence."

Lucas: "that's all from Fred's part, what about Tanako?"

Eclipse: "he, had similar injuries, and than there's the fact he had blood trickling down his face, somehow."

Andrew: "not much evidence, at least, nothing to build off of."

Sarah: "as for suspects, there aren't many."

Jay: "I mean, one is Charlie."

Charlie: "what!?"

McKenna: "you saw her reaction to Fred's body, she was devastated!"

Jay: "but Tanako was alive than, I'm just saying, I feel Tanako killed Fred, than Charlie killed Tanako out of anger and for revenge."

Charlie: "but, I wouldn't do that!?"

Jay: "I think the evidence makes it clear, you're the killer."

Andrew: 'the logic makes sense, but, I don't think that Charlie would kill like that.'

Andrew: "no, Charlie can't have killed Tanako."

Jay: "why not?"

Andrew: "Charlie, passes out at the sight of blood, remember."

Jay: "but not when it came to Fred's body being discovered."

Charlie: "THATS different! Fred's my boyfriend, I, I'd do anything for him."

Jay: "so why wouldn't she kill Tanako."

Sarah grabs a bowling ball and gives it to Charlie.

Sarah: "throw that at me."

Charlie: "WHAT!?"

Sarah: "you heard me."

Charlie: "no."

Sarah: "why not?"

Charlie: "I don't want to kill, I DONT WANT TO BE HERE!"

Charlie breaks down crying on the ground.

Charlie: "I miss my life, I miss Fred, I miss my brother, I miss my friends, Abby, Leon, even Lori, I miss them all, I want to go back!"

Charlie keeps screaming as she's a bawling mess.

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