The first trial

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Everyone walked down the staircase to the trial site. The first death has happened, Xavier Miller, the ultimate edgelord, he agreed to help them, and he died, was murdered, but by who?

Monica: "ohh Monica is interested, who did it?"

Kotoko: "I know this is so exciting!"

Nagisa: "let's see what they decide upon."

Andrew: "so, Xavier was killed, what evidence is there?"

James: "that was found dead in the cafeteria, there were a few cuts across his body."

Raphael: "and Stephanie was crying over him."

Sylvester: "ok that settles it, Stephanie killed him."

Stephanie: "w-what?"

Sylvester: "admit it, you killed Mayonako in the killings, you definitely have the capacity to kill."

Eclipse: "you idiot, that was under different circumstances!"

Sylvester: "oh was it? My bad than."

Andrew: "ok, where was everyone before the body was discovered, Stephanie, you'll remain a suspect for now."

Stephanie nods

Stephanie: "I guess that makes sense."

James: "I was in the library, I was with Raphael, Fred, Charlie, and Jay before the announcement."

McKenna: "I was with Tanaka in the art room."

Sarah: "Eclipse and I were practicing sports in the gym, even if we can't play a full game, might as well stay fit."

Christopher: "I was talking with Stephanie before the buddy discovery."

Andrew: "Lucas? Sylvester? You two going to reveal?"

Sylvester: "hallway by the cafeteria."

Lucas: "I was at the entrance, taking a nap."

Christopher: "you take a nap now?!"

Lucas nods.

Andrew: "ok, let's see here."

Sylvester: "I think my vote still says Stephanie."

Stephanie: "but it wasn't me!"

Sylvester: "that's what they all say princess."

Andrew: "guys stop, Shes a suspect, it's not guaranteed if she is the killer in this case."

Jay: "yeah, let's just, investigate."

Fred: "that would be most effective."

Charlie: "let's, not try the raising hands idea, it didn't work the last time."

Fred nods

Andrew: "Sylvester? Why were you close to the cafeteria?"

Sylvester: "what?"

Raphael: "that's a damning piece right there."

Sylvester: "what?"

Andrew: "I don't want to believe it, but you could be the killer right now."

Sylvester: "so, that's what it's come down to? Doubting your friends, and pointing your fingers at them."

Andrew: "what the fuck? I'm just trying to solve this case, that's what the ultimate detective does."

Sylvester starts laughing

Sylvester: "oh the despair, yeah, this is nice."

Eclipse: "the fuck is wrong with you?"

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