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‘Nanon Korapat…Nanon…Nanon’ the lady behind the desk said as she scanned through the computer, typing and clicking the keyboard,

‘Ahhhh yes, there he is’, giving Nanon confirmation she looked up at him, ‘you are in dorm 10 room 25’,

He nodded as she took the landline, dialled through and after a few minutes spoke, instructing the person at the other end of the line to come immediately to the reception area.

‘Please wait for a while as I organise your things, will call for you once everything is ready’, she instructs with a small smile on her face, as Nanon nods and moves to sit next to his mother and sister.

‘I am in dorm 10 room 25, she’s still organising for me’,

‘The school looks well-kept and highly maintained definitely worthy of its money’, his mother announced.

She must have begun analysing and assessing it the minute they got through the university’s long wide gates.

Nanon had been taken aback by the big words Excel School of Medicine written in a curved manner worded along the gates of the school making it more visible from far away.

The designers must have ensured it’s the first thing people notice about the school.

But he had to agree with his mother, the schools building were up to standard and the little portion of the school that he had seen already did not disappoint.

‘Not to mention their school ranking, I guess this is what makes the top school better than the rest’, Nonnie added, she then glanced at his brother,

‘Your hard work is finally paying off’, she gave him a heart-warming smile which he returned.

Excel School of Medicine, normally written as Excel S.O.M was a prestigious school that most elite children of wealthy families attended to.

It made it to top5 of the most performing and well-mannered school across the country.

It was situated away from the city, but was located along the main road that leads into the city.

Nanon’s family was not rich; his mother had just used his trust fund money his father had left for him with the sole purpose of helping with his studies.

Now his goal was to ensure that he made his parents proud.

It had been a while before Nanon was called by the receptionist lady.

He found a man, seemingly to be in his late thirties standing in front of the desk, a thick document in his hands. 

He gave him a nod in greeting as the lady introduced them. Mr Josh Kennedy was the one responsible for his dormitory.

‘Please follow me; I will be the one showing you to your room’.

The bags he had brought with were carried in a trolley as he and the rest of his family trailed behind Mr Josh.

He led them down through an open paved corridor, passing by an open area with a few sheltered seats.

To Nanon’s calculations they had walked about 10 minutes before entering a gated like community with flats like buildings.

Nanon halted at the entrance gates, taking a look around the dorms.

From his estimations, the buildings were made up to 3rd floor.

He could see students in their uniforms coming in and out of the dorms. There were still ongoing classes since it was 1 in the afternoon.

Following Mr Josh behind, they came to stand in front of a two closed door and watched as he took out his key card, scanned it then peeped open.

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