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‘So what's your plan?’ Jimmy spoke once everyone settled down.

Nanon cleared his throat as his eyes settled on everyone around the room.

They were currently in Nanon and Chimon's room, which was soon to become their new hangout.

‘Like I said before, we can't rush into this. First, we need access to the Lab surveillance room. That means hacking into its system. Anyone here know anything about hacking?’ Nanon asked as they shifted glances towards one another.

Reluctantly, Tu raised her hand

‘I may know something’, they all looked at her, ‘my brother is kind of a geek when it comes to computer software, hang out with him a little more you will learn one or two things’ Nanon nodded as the rest were left in awe.

‘Okay, so… You're gonna have to hack into its system then connect it to your phone, tablet, or computer. If we are able to do that we can control the alarms as well as the software key lock. Can you be able to do that?’ Nanon asked, putting more emphasis.

‘I will need to get into the room for me to do that got any idea how?"

‘We plan a fake outbreak in’

‘A what?’ First asked, rather confused.

"A fake breakout, to draw the men in the room out" Jimmy added as Nanon nodded in agreement.

"That will be handled by Chimon and Frank. Whatever distraction you use, you need to make sure it entirely draws them out long enough for Tu to get into the system. First will be your lookout" First and Tu fist pumped each other, already hyped for their task.

"The rest of us we wait"

"Wait? What? Do you mean we send them out alone? With no backup? Are you insane?"

"It's best this way. If Ohm and his crew come for the night routine we have to be able to cover them up."

"But –

"Jimmy, you already have it with Ohm, if he sees you missing he will know something is up"

"In case you have forgotten, he knows all of them too"

"But you stand out more. You buttheads with him more often than anyone here, correct?!" Jimmy didn't not respond, “look, it's a risk we can take"

"Okay then what about if they find out they are not in their rooms once they do their night routine"

"I will take care of that"

"How?!" Jimmy demanded. Nanon wasn't sure how.

"I have no idea" surprisingly there was no response to that. Nanon was being honest and they all knew, "look, I won't let you guys get caught. You can trust me on that one"

"Trust? Not long ago you were very adamant on not wanting to join us but now you want trust from us?"

Nanon had been through this, the questioning, the intimidation people often threw either to test you or throw you off.

He had witnessed it a lot of times at his old school. It was nothing new. Not to mention he knew for a fact Jimmy didn't like him.

"Funny, because you are willing to trust my plans" He retorted.

"No, this is not us trusting you - it's actually us betting on you. If your plan fails and one of them gets caught, I will see to it that you are the one punished instead '' Jimmy threatened, his eyes darkening.

He passed Nanon, pumping on his shoulder as the rest of the gang left, leaving the two occupants of the room alone.

'Jerk!" He muttered gust then, he heard Chimon chuckle

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