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Nanon watched as Ohm slept, his chest slightly moving up and down.

His eyesight trailed along Ohm's biceps, his right hand was pinned behind his head, acting as a pillow whilst the other one was on top of his chest.

Even from a distance you could still make out the roughness of Ohm's hands. Nanon made a mental note to buy a hand cream for Ohm, to soothe and smother his skin.

The eye bags under his eyes were disappearing, thank god and his skin was becoming normal again from pale to his normal tan one.

It's been 3 weeks ever since the day they began dating and in that little amount of time, Nanon got to know just how much of a toll Ohm responsibilities took on him.

It had become his duty to care for Ohm, ensure he ate, he slept and relaxed if need be.

He took better care of Ohm and his mental state than he did himself. Apart from that, there were also good things that came from being or having such status around the school, like lots of love and respect.

He remembered how just prior to their starting exams, Ohm had gone to every class giving them motivational and good luck messages.

It showed Nanon a side of Ohm he didn't know. He saw the seriousness and yet humble side of him.

The minute he entered Nanon's class room, the entire class had gone silent, their attention and eyes on him.

If it had been him, he would have stumbled and perhaps did some embarrassing shit, but Ohm wasn't like that, he was used to this type of scenario.

When he began to talk, Nanon began to realise, the person that stood in front of them was not Ohm, but Excel School of Medicine's president Ohm Pawat.

He was amazed at how he communicated, and how well-spoken he was to the point where he himself felt motivated.

He had avoided the death stares Jimmy gave him and focused on what he had come to do and once he was done, he left with a round of applause from the entire classroom.

Nanon had to act so that he wasn't fazed but deep down he was moved.

With a smile on his face, his eyes moved from the sleeping Ohm to the scattered books on top of the study table.

This was the last week of their tests and what a ride it had been for Nanon considering it was his first exams in this school.

Assessing them up until now, he could say he did well although he couldn't be too sure.

The tests were mostly application tests where you had to apply your knowledge and what you have learnt, dive further into the topic and connect it with the real world.

They were a bit tricky; even he had to agree there had been a few times he was thrown off by them causing a bit of confusion.

They were typical questions that challenged you as a student.

He was now left with the clinical laboratory of all his modules and they were going to be straining since they had to be in the lab for 3 hours and be as quick as they could.

Looking through Ohm's past test and written experiments of some biochemistry labs, Nanon discovered they required you to know almost 90% of what you have been taught since their questions builds up on your previous answer.

Those were by far the questions Nanon hated because if you failed the first part of the entire question then everything was wrong.

Slowly and carefully, glancing at Ohm, Nanon moved the chair back slightly and moved towards the small fridge.

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