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Nanon didn't know how many times he had repeatedly told them he didn't know who Ohm was.

He had explained all that had transpired the minute he walked out on them from the cafe up until when Ohm took him to class.

He had barely made any talks with the guy but Jimmy was too far gone in his assumptions to even believe anything Nanon said. 

Later when it had been just the two of them in their room, Chimon had filled Nanon in on whom Ohm Pawat was.

The information received left Nanon gawking his eyes out.

He was a third year student - one year ahead of Nanon - majoring in Biomedical Sciences.

He was his faculty's student head and Excel School of Medicine Student Board President.

If that was not enough, Ohm always aced his exams rendering him top 1 in his class.

But he did lack behind one or two times when it came to overall ranks of all 3rd years.

This time around he was on third position. In conclusion, he found Ohm to be well-rounded, so many responsibilities for a teen.

Nanon could only imagine how hard it was to balance everything. 

Tearing his eyes away from the books in front of him, Nanon looked around the table.

Judging by their faces, he could only assume yesterday's mission didn't go so well.

Frank and Chimon were slowly dozing off, Jimmy was still in his foul mood and First didn't bother showing up for morning clinical laboratory lesson.

He wanted to ask but he knew so well he had no right.

Until he agreed to partner with them, he was forever to be side-lined.

They didn't want him to know but yet they were not afraid of discussing their plans in his presence. Hypocritical if you asked him. 

He was about to speak up when Ohm appeared out of nowhere and stood in front of the table they were occupying,

"It's only 10 in the morning and yet all of you look so exhausted"

Ohm's eyes flickered from Jimmy to Frank to Chimon but lingered a little longer when they fell onto Nanon.

Afraid it would send the wrong impression, Nanon broke the eye contact. 

"We have clinical laboratories today; you know how exhausting those are" 

Ohm nodded, his hands in his pockets, "Of course, they the worst"

Unlike yesterday, today he had his specs on. If Nanon thought his mushroom hairstyle made him look handsome, then surely him wearing specs made girls drop dead.

Nanon felt his cheeks heat up flustered. He drowned himself to the books in front of him, but his ears listening attentively to the two boys.

"One of my guys yesterday was found unconscious, tied up and gagged near the Supreme Chemical lab, not only that but the alarm at the lab went off. When one of the patrol guys went to check it out they found three figures disappearing around the block and into the night"

Jimmy stood up from his seat, coming face to face with Ohm,

"And what's that got to do with me?" with a hint of a smirk Jimmy asked

"Do you perhaps happen to know anything about it?" 

"I wish I did, in fact I wish I knew whoever it was so that I could ask to join them in their little mission of disrupting your life, then it would be more interesting to see you lose your precious sleep over it" 

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