Chapter 33

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The council was in immediate uproar, with the majority of objections coming directly from Genevieve.

The Masons had gone pale as death. Bellamy accused me of wanting to finish them all off.

"You're a witch," I said to Genevieve. "Surely you can make a trap."

Desdemona replied for her daughter with a stern shake of her head and purse of her lips. "Absolutely not! Even if we could, it's far too dangerous."

I felt Jax pulling my towards him. I let that tug carry me, like an ocean wave dragging its victim. Before I had time to register any embarrassment, I was cradled in his lap. He was silent but it was impossible not to feel the intense turmoil of emotions roiling in him.

His mouth was at my ear. Fortunately, the council was too distracted to care. "Do you really have a death sentence?" He asked, his lips dancing against my earlobe.

I shuddered against his touch, my hand clutching at his shirt. The flimsy fabric did little to hide his defined body.

"I just want to know the truth," I said against his chest. I could feel his breathing as if it were my own.

"And you'll pay a heavy price to get it." After that he was silent, content to stroke my hair as we watched the council babble at each other hysterically.

"If he's already attacked then you may as well just go for it!" Diana cried before being shushed and told she knew nothing of the matter.

Elisabeth was the sharpest towards her kin. "Don't make me regret bringing you here! You may be related to me but you have no real place in this council."

I saw Victor's jaw clench at that, quiet fury emanating from his powerful frame. He had, I noticed, been almost too silent and nonchalant on the topic.

My voice cut through the room like a knife. "What do you think Victor?"

He seemed almost startled to he addressed. The vampire even stood up and wrung at his hands in a weird display of nerves.

When he eventually spoke, his words were feeble. "I am not fond of Ezaryth," he tried to say casually, "and I would not wish to summon him on purpose."

And for everyone else that was that. My own eyes narrowed suspiciously. Jax bent close to me and whispered, "not now."

I knew what he meant: we would face Victor alone. The council were only to be half-trusted. It was clear to me they would never accept what we had to do.

"If you really think it's that dangerous then I guess we'll just have to be content with only theories." I shrugged as a spoke, as if it didn't bother me.

Mrs Mason loosed a sigh of relief. "Thank God you've seen the light, Persephone."

Bellamy glared at me. "Her hormones must be affecting her brain already."

Jax growled at him in response whilst the women of the council tutted in disapproval. Perhaps, I should warn Angel off Bellamy Mason.

"In that case," Mr Mason said tightly, already moving towards the door, "our family would like to..."

He left the words unsaid. Would like to mourn in peace. Would like to dig a hole and never come out.

I knew what I would like to do.

"Me and Jax will deal with Victor," I said helpfully. The council nodded thankfully as they filed back upstairs.

Before she left, Genevieve turned to speak to me, baring her white teeth. "You got lucky," she sneered, "that this damn Shadowlord is taking all the attention away from you and your cursed baby."

The Alpha And His Mate (Silver Hills #1) Where stories live. Discover now