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After Austin was released from the hospital 🏥 they went home and started on being a family.

But as the months went by the 3 boys inherited certain traits of their parents.

Like Myles developed the werewolf Gene 🧬 and the Alpha Gene 🧬 as well like his papa Mark and he grew faster then the others did.

And Dean inherited the vampire Gene 🧬 like his pops Daniel and was going to be trained to watch over the vampires when Daniel steps down.

And Andy inherited both genes 🧬 of werewolf and vampire and he has the same ability that his dad Austin had to where he can choose to use his werewolf power or vampire power.

But all 3 boys inherited something from their dad Austin they each share his good heart to protect the ones they care about.

But as the years went bye the boys grew up and they each had a favorite parent.

Myles favorite was Mark?

Dean's favorite parent was Daniel.

And Andy's favorite parent was Austin.

But all 3 liked spending time with Austin together.

But they like to spend time together as a family.

"Well, everybody that's pretty much" Daniel says, but gets cut off.

"Hey" Mark says walking to him "who said you could go first of talking to the readers?"

"I did, I do as I please" Daniel says.

"Over my dead body" Mark says.

"That can be arranged" Daniel says right in his face.

"ENOUGH" they look at Austin as he grabs their ears and made them fall to the ground as they felt the pain "now you both shut up and obey and be quiet" Austin says and looks at the readers "sorry, about that. That is the end of our story, but don't worry a short story about my boys"

"Our boys" they both said.

Austin smiles at the readers "excuse me" Austin kicks them to the wall "I gave birth to the boys and so their my boys, so SHUT UP" he looks back to them as the boys go to him "the next story will be about these 3 boys and I hope you like them"

"I'm sure they will dad" Myles says next to him on the left.

"If they love you guys then they'll love us too" Dean says behind Austin.

"Especially when they learn about our mates" Andy says being on the right side of Austin.

The whole family then gathers together and looks at the readers.

"Thanks for readying" they all said.


                                                                                 THE END🐺🦇🐺🦇🐺🦇🐺🦇🐺🦇🐺🦇🐺🦇🐺🦇🐺🦇🐺🦇🐺🦇🐺🦇

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The Alpha, the Vampire, and their shared mate✅Where stories live. Discover now