Chapter 4: The Art of Diplomacy

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The next two days were a scramble for Sabrina and her staff, but at long last they boarded the shuttle to take them up to their transport ship. It was much larger than they were accustomed to; Commander Mukryilla had said that their destination was near its scheduled patrol route, but Sabrina had to wonder if they'd been given an armed ship for security reasons. She wasn't going to argue, in any case.

"The bodyguard is meeting us on the ship?" Sabrina asked.

"Yes. I double-checked," Thad assured her.

Ranja settled back in her seat, smiling. "At least this time we're off to a climate-controlled space station. After Meskath, I never want to see snow again!"

Sabrina glanced out her window and noted the dismaying lack of activity there. "I hope we aren't going to be late."

"Well, we can't leave without the prince," Thad said. "I sent his luggage up yesterday but he said he'd rather wait and go with us."

Sabrina stifled a sigh as she sat back in her seat. She hadn't seen Ford since she had informed him, rather stridently, that he was going to this conference and would be watched over like a hawk by herself, her staff, and a professional bodyguard. He hadn't reacted well, and she chided herself for not handling him more tactfully. But he had made her so angry. She hadn't thought she could still react so uncontrollably after all the practice perfecting her diplomatic poker face, but Ford had an uncanny knack for turning her back into a teenager, she thought grumpily. She would have to watch out for that during this assignment.

"There he is," Ranja said, and Sabrina looked to see Ford strolling across the landing zone with a duffle slung over his shoulder. He looked more like a vacationer than a prince on an official assignment, she thought. But then, after his trek to Meskath and the work he'd done at Bathir, maybe this did seem like a break.

"For heaven's sake, don't scold him for being late," Sabrina said.

Thad and Ranja looked strangely at her, and she realized that her staff, Praxatillian to the core, would never have dreamed of it. She gave a wry smile. "Sorry. Talking to myself."

Ranja grinned at Thad. "This trip should be the most fun yet. Maybe I'll have enough stories to write my memoirs early."

Sabrina groaned involuntarily, which made Ranja laugh. Ford heard it as he climbed aboard. "Well met, merry travelers," he said.

"Your Highness," Ranja and Thad chorused. Ford raised his eyebrows at Sabrina, who said, "Welcome aboard. Pick a seat—it's just us, so there's plenty of room."

The ground crew sealed the door behind Ford, and the co-pilot activated the ship's com. "We've been cleared for take-off, if you'll all kindly strap yourselves in."

"All clear," Sabrina told him, after checking to make sure Ford was secured. A moment later, the shuttle's engines whined to life, making the deckplates vibrate. Sabrina glanced around, trying to conceal her alarm; she hated shuttle flights.

Ford caught her eye and grinned at her. "All those years on Khediva spoiled you."

"I come from a limited spacefaring world. I can deal with space travel as long as I don't have to face the reality of it. This is way too much like we do it on Earth. I'm always afraid something's going to explode or the thing will come apart in mid-air. Or mid-vacuum. I don't know if I'll ever be able to take it for granted. If I could get Khediva to shuttle me around the galaxy, I'd do it in a heartbeat."

Ford unstrapped himself, slid into the seat next to her, and fastened the safety webbing again before she could get a protest out. He leaned over and said into her ear, "Or you could help me steal my ship back. I'd ferry you around in gratitude for the help."

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