Chapter 9.2

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At breakfast, Thad asked, "Lady Sabrina, when are you going to end my misery and take the portfolio back?"

"Oh. I'm sorry, Thad. But I'm putting in for some leave, and I'm afraid I'll need you to stay here and tie up the loose ends."

Thad looked dismayed. "For the rest of the conference? But the repatriation...and the aid package...."

"I'm not leaving right away," Sabrina laughed. "But I don't think I'll stay for all of it. I'm still here to give you advice, but I'd rather leave everything in your hands for continuity's sake."

Thad groaned. Ranja asked, "And the prince?"

"There's no more need for a Realm observer," Sabrina said. "And I don't want him getting bored. I'm sorry to abandon you both here, but I'm afraid keeping an eye on him is the one part of the assignment I can't delegate. Stecklan will be staying with you, so you don't have to worry about your safety."

"I'm not," Thad said. "But I'm worried about yours! You should take the captain with you!"

"That's not up to me," Sabrina said. "Or you. Don't worry. Ford and I have a lot of experience defending ourselves."

Ranja shook her head. "You'd have more credibility if you both hadn't nearly gotten killed on Fiersai."

"I promise to steer clear of any coups d'état this time," Sabrina replied.

Ranja grinned. "Has there ever been any political turmoil on a planet you're currently on that you didn't get involved in, one way or another?"

"There were plenty on Earth," Sabrina said. "Stop worrying, you two. This is just a vacation trip. No diplomacy required."

"Except for the scandal at home when it's learned you two ran off together," Ranja pointed out. "What do you want us to say?"

"That it's not your job to comment on my vacations," Sabrina said. "You were the ones telling me how I needed one!"

"A restful one," Thad said. "Not trying to keep the prince out of trouble. That's not a vacation; it's another assignment. Why can't you wait and take us along?"

Sabrina gave a deep sigh. "I never realized that you both thought I was so incapable of taking care of myself."

"It's not that," Ranja said. "But I'm having a hard time with the concept of delegating my job to his royal highness."

"Believe me, you're not. The thought of Ford trying to pack my wardrobe is enough to give me chills," Sabrina grinned. "He might, at a stretch, be convinced to bring me some cocoa in the mornings, but it's likely to be excruciatingly early and because he wants to bounce ideas off me. Guys, look. I'm really grateful that you care, and I couldn't do this job without you. But this isn't an assignment. I can handle this. Really."

There was a lull in conversation, broken only by Ford's entrance. "Ah," he said. "I can see from the scowling that you've announced the vacation plans."

"Your royal highness," Thad said stiffly, "I see no reason why Lady Sabrina has to be deprived of her staff."

Ford chuckled. "As I understand it, Ambassador Meera, Lady Sabrina has no staff. The staff in question belongs to the ambassador, who is, at this moment, you. Don't worry. I have more incentive than you can possibly imagine to bring her home safe and sound. My parents and siblings—and hers—aside, I do not want a Wayship out to wreak vengeance on me!"

"Khediva would never be so obvious," Sabrina said. "Though I have no doubt she would find ways of making your life more difficult."

"I need her good graces with Homeworld," Ford said. "I would have asked you to intercede for me if she hadn't been busy coddling you like an invalid."

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