Ch. 35 Crushed Wings

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Chapter 35

The sharp ringing in his ear was starting to get painful as Wren stood in front of Birdie and shielded her from Darrian's gaze. He could feel her cold fingers tightly wrap around his arm as she stepped closer and peeked over his shoulder at the guards standing before them.

"Your mother misses you," Darrian said, a small mocking smile on his lips. "She's been so...broken...since you have abandoned her."

Wren's chest tightened as he thought about his mother. Darrian's words cut through his skin like a knife and that smirk on his lips was no less painful then salt on his wounds.

"What did you do to her?" Wren asked.

"Nothing," Darrian rolled his eyes. "Yet."

"If you touch her, I will k-"

"You can make it all stop," Darrian said. "It's a very simple thing to do. Return to court, face your punishment for killing Jefry and return the moor to me."

Birdie's grip tightened.

"What happened to 'innocent until proven guilty'?" Wren asked.

"You ran," Darrian said sternly. "That was enough of a confession for your crimes, Tamzin."

"You're bluffing," Wren said to his uncle. "You wouldn't dare hurt my mother. She is the only reason the people of Xaiba haven't overthrown you yet."

Darrian's gaze darkened as he stared at his nephew, "You know, Wren. When I became king, I asked myself if I wanted to be loved like your father or feared like mine."

Wren's eyes followed Darrian like a hawk as he walked around the throne room, circling around Emrol and Esma as they stood as audience.

"For a very long time, I thought I could have it both ways," Darrian continued. "I wanted to be loved and feared. But now I see things a little differently."

Wren's body tensed as his uncle came to stand before him.

"Now, I just need them to fear me," Darrian said, his lips curling back in disgust as he spied Birdie behind Wren.

All at once, the guards in their spotless white uniforms aimed their spears. Birdie gasped as they surrounded her and Wren, keeping them both at the tip of the sharp blade.

"You can not kill an heir, Darrian," Wren reminded his uncle. "It's treason."

"We are not at court," Darrian said. "Out here, in the sand, anything goes."

Esma looked at her father with worry as Darrian stepped back and the guards inched forward.

Wren, Birdie shook the fey's arm, her eyes never leaving the glimmering tip of the spear.

Don't be afraid, Wren reached back and touched her hand. You are stronger than you think, little bird. We will get out of there.

But the key, Birdie's eyes flickered to Emrol.

On my count, Wren gave Birdie's hand a hard squeeze. You secure the key and I will distract them.

How? Birdie felt her heart leap into her throat. They have giants!


Wren, no, no. Think of another pla-


Like a gust of wind in the dead of winter, Wren stepped away from Birdie and snatched a spear from one of the guards. Darrian rolled his eyes as the guards all turned to the prince and marched forward.

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