Chapter 1: New Beginning's

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"Speaking" (Out loud)
"Speaking " (Thinking)
"Ddraig" (Speaking)

As the sounds of children playing echoed throughout the halls of the Gremory mansion. Two adults sitting there watching the two children playing happily with each other looked on in both shock and amazement.

"I never though I'd see the day that My little Ria-tan would want to play with a boy her own age" Lord Gremory stated shocked.

Lord Gremory was a tall man that looked like he was in his early thirties. His most defining feature was his long crimson hair flowed down his head and rested on his shoulders, it was in stark contrast to his baby blue eyes. His chin was covered a small goatee of the same crimson hair as that was on his head.

"Yes it is quite interesting dear" Lady Gremory stated equally as shocked as her husband.

Lady Gremory like her husband appeared much younger than she really was. She had brown hair that she inherited from the Bael clan (Another high ranking devil family with the rank of Great king), her violet eyes were also a very seductive feature, However the most alluring feature that she possessed was her voluptuous figure that made her very desirable even for a devil.

As the two devils continued to discuss the scene in front of them, Another tall male entered the room.

" Is everything alright Zeo" The man asked curiously

"It sure is Gorou, It would seem your son has made Rias quite happy today, Thank you Gorou " Lord Gremory repealed happily

Gorou had the appear of a man in his early thirties similar to Lord Gremory although he was slightly taller than the current head of the Gremory clan. He had dark brown hair of medium length was kept in good condition. His eyes were of a hazel colour and he was the current head of the Hyoudou clan.

"Hey its not me you should be thanking, I should be thanking you. It's been a rough six months for Issei and I but thanks to Rias, Issei is a lot happier" He replied rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment

As the three devils were deep in conversation, they failed to notice the two children had walked into the room hand in hand.

"Hello Lord Hyoudou" Rias said in a cheerful manner as she bowed politely

Rias who had the appearance of a 8 year old girl stood there quite happily holding Issei's hand. She had her fathers crimson hair that ended half way down her back, she also inherited her blue-green eyes from her father as well. Apart from that Rias appeared as a mirror image of her mother if she was a child.

As Lord Hyoudou turned around seeing the two holding hands, he crouched down so he was eye level with the two children.

"Hello Rias it seems you and little Issei have been getting along with each other well" He replied happily.

"Yes sir we have" she replied.

Gorou's gazes moved to his only son and heir, Gorou's face lit up when he say how happy his son was.

Issei had the appearance of a 7 year old boy. He had his fathers hair colour that was quite untidy. His eyes which he go from his mothers were emerald in colour, and were a constant reminder to his father of the wife that was taken from them by a high class fallen angel.

"How was your day son" Lord Hyoudou asked his son

As Issei looked towards his father he replied happily saying "It was the best day since before we lost mum"

As Lord Hyoudou and Gremory began to say their good byes to each other. Rias and Issei hugged each other a promised to see each other in a couple of days time after Issei got back from his training sessions with his father.

Heir of HyoudouTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang