Chapter 9: Arc two: Darkside of the church

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"Speaking" (Internal)
"Speaking" (Ddraig)
"Speaking" (Albion)
"Speaking" (Tiamat)

Kiba P.O.V

As Kiba walked out of the elevator of the construction site he proceeded to walk towards the exit in hopes of leaving the memory of his failure behind him, unfortunately for him he was suddenly brought out of his moody self by the sound of yelling.

"Kiba wait, stop" The voice screamed as it started to get closer.

Turning around Kiba was surprised to see the origin of the noise coming towards him was Issei.

"What do you want Issei" Kiba snarled at the young heir.

"Whats wrong with you, you spoke to Rias like she was shit on your shoe and then you walked off like nothing happened" Issei said as he pushed Kiba.

"What was that for" Kiba said as he swung at Issei hitting him in the face.

"That was for talking to Rias like that, what is wrong with you" Issei said as he swept his legs out from underneath him.

"I remembered what I'm fighting for" Kiba said as he stood up.

"What" Issei said confused.

"Isn't Rias and the rest of the ORC what you're fighting for" Issei continued as he held in hands out in confusion.

"No i'm fighting for my fallen comrades" Kiba said as he looked down.

"Want to talk about it" Issei said as he put his hand on Kiba's shoulder.

"Don't you dare touch me, it's creatures like you that are the reason that stupid project existed in the first place and the reason why my friends are dead, is you" Kiba said as he punched Issei in the face again before turning around and walking off.

"What the fuck" Issei though as he proceeded back to Azazel's to collect he's payment for the contract.

Walking out of the construction site where Issei and the ORC fought the two stray devils, A lone figure walked alone with his head down in shame. Leaving the construction site behind Kiba felt as alone as the day Rias had found him, the feeling of shame lingered in the air surrounding him like a bad odour. Ashamed that his personal reasons got in the way of his friends lives.

"Friends" Kiba thought as he scoffed to himself as he walked.

"My friends, yes that is who I fight for but not my new ones by old ones, It's ok I will avenge you all". Kiba said as he continued to walk.

Continuing to walk day soon turned to night and clear skies to clouds. Walking around the corner the now drenched Kiba soon heard the screams of a man.

"Please I beg you don't do this" The main pleaded.

"Oh so you will beg for your life Hahahahaha how funny, typical" Another voice sad alerting Kiba.

As the voices got closer and closer Kiba soon saw what he heard.

On the ground in front of him was a priest in his early fifties the look of fear was stark on he's face, clothes were torn and blood ran down his face from a massive gash in his forehead. As the man began to scurry back, another figure came in to view.

"Where are the other swords, my boss kinda wants them" The other man said.

This man appeared to be in his early twenties and possessed long silver hair. The look of pure delight made Kiba sick to his stomach and the thing that made it worse was that he was wearing priest clothing.

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