The Elite

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( Little warning may contain suicide or thinking of it.)

      Prince Andrew's POV
   After the movie was over we walked down to dinner and I was nervous. The reason being my dad wants me to eliminate three more girls which would bring us down to three girls. He is hoping I have my new wife by the New year.
At dinner after the girls sit I decide to eliminate the three girls now. "OK ladies now I am going to eliminate three girls Maya, Jillian and Kat. You may stay the night and leave in the morning."
Two of the girls I think Maya and Kat start to cry and Jillian is just smiling. The reason I eliminated Jillian is because she asked me. She already found someone and I wasn't gonna get in the way of that. So that leaves Melony, Riley, and Melissa. I wanted to send Melissa home but my dad wouldn't let me he wants me to pick either Riley or Melissa but I don't want to. Why is it a bad thing to like a six. I have no clue. Really my father just needs to let me chose by myself.
______ Time Skip_____
       Prince Andrew's POV
After dinner I was making my way to my room when Melony ran up to me. All I know is she started to yell at me and for no reason but finally caught some of what she said.
"Hey calm down I only eliminated her because she asked me to" I say being sincere.
"If that's true then why didn't she tell me I mean we tell each other everything, did she explain why??" Melony asks.
"Yeah she said something about loving one of the guards and she didn't want him to get hurt if they got caught and she said if she wasn't in the selection she wouldn't have to worry about it so I gave her, her wish like she asked." I say waiting for Melony to say something or anything.
   Melony looked up at me with tears in her eyes and I knew she was gonna cry. I was about to talk to her when she turned around and ran down the hall to her room. I guess she just needs some time alone so I will respect that and five her some time. As I get to my room I hear someone moving around in my room. When I walk in I see Melissa naked on my bed and I look away because everything was showing. I turned around and walked out and I heard her frustrated scream come from behind me. I went in search of a maid to go get me a new bed set. After about ten minutes I find one and ask her she nods and I make my way to Melonys room hoping she is OK.
        Melony POV
    After I ran from Andrew I went to my room and thought of what he said. I won't have anyone left her all my friends are gone and I haven't talked to my family in a while. I am just an empty shell so I just sat there before I went to the bathroom. I looked around searching for a razor I had never cut but everyone trys new things. I deserved the pain so I sliced my arm diagonally welcoming the pain. I did it all the way up to my elbow on both arms. I then walked over to my desk to write a letter to everyone saying goodbye. Then grabbed a rope and tied it in a knot and slipped it around my neck. Right as I was about to jump down to hang my door opened and in walked......

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