Chapter 3

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⚠️Trigger warning ⚠️ minor bullying and very minor sexual harassment / assault

Lance's POV

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I say.

"Lance are you sure you're okay?" Hunk asked me with a sad look. Seeing that look on his face somehow broke my heart. He's just one of those people who you are scared to upset, not because he's scary more you just don't want to see him sad and I understand this now. Even though I just met him looking at him sad makes me want to hug him and make him smile.

"Don't worry I'm fine." I smile at him attempting for a smile. He nods but the worried look never leaves his face.

I make my way to the bathroom. I don't really need to go. l just want to go and get some air and splash some water on my face.

I walk into the bathroom. I feel the cold water as I splash it at myself. I look at the mirror as I feel the water drip down my face. My hair is wet sticking up. I fix my hair while trying my best to calm my nerves. "Okay they're going to be okay. Everything is going to be okay."

Once I felt my nerves were settled enough. I decided I was good to go back to lunch so I walk out of the bathroom and started heading back lunch.

Walking through the hallway I hear someone arguing? Great just what I need right now. I walk to go stop them. I look passed the corner and immediately hide. It's Keith.

Trigger warning ahead

"Leave me alone James I'm not in the mood for this right now!"

"And why would I do that, that's no fun." The now known as James says and laughs. "Hey take those out while I'm talking to you!"

"Ow what the fuck!" Huh what's going on? James chuckles and I hear a slam. "Fuck off!"

"I'm sure you like that huh gay freak?!" I peak around the corner and James has Keith pinned up against the locker.

"Get off of me asshole!" James didn't move smirk growing. Okay that's enough. I run towards them and push James off Keith.

"He said off ass hat!?"

"Ooooo Keith is that your boyfriend?"

"What the fuck Lance I head this handled!"

"Oh you did, did you? Yeah that's why you were pinned against a wall telling him to get off, not being able to get out." I say with a glare.

"Why are even trying to help?"

"Yeah like I'm just gonna sit there and let him rape you or do whatever he was going to do to!"

While we were busy arguing James comes up behind me and hits me with my guard down. I quickly turn around to get a punch in.

"You boys to the principals office now!"

Trigger warning ended

Keith's POV

After an hour of waiting, the calling of parents (great), and the watching of video cameras. They finally decided our punishment. Since it was proven as sexual harassment James was suspended for three weeks, which is stupid he should have been expelled and even faced jail time, but me and Lance were let off easy. We got two weeks of detention starting tomorrow. Lance for getting in a fight and me for being involved in it. still an, ass but I have to admit I'm thank full for him. If it weren't for him knows what would have happened. Well I would have just punched the shit out of James but I really do appreciate it. Maybe Lance isn't as much of an ass as I thought.

Anyways I'm not looking forward to going back to that hellhole I call home. My so called "parents" are going to be pissed and that's never pretty. And it's not gonna help I'm coming home late after detention.

Since the nurse was busy they told me to wait with Lance since I was there and he was hit in the head. They knew he didn't have a concussion or anything. They just wanted him there for the last class period so they knew he was okay and since class already started.

"" Lance said awkwardly.


"Well we're stuck here so we might as well talk."


"Your life like what's your family like?"

"Nope change the subject."

"Ummm what do you do in you free time?"

"I mean like reading and listening to music, sometimes I run too? Why are you even asking me these questions?"

"Well I'm trying to talk to you and...maybe get to know you?"

"Listen just because you did that doesn't mean we're friends." It hurt me saying this, it's not that I don't want to be friends with Lance. It's not Lance at all. I just don't want to get close to anyone to just loose them.

"I know that! I just want to talk to you okay? I did that for you just do this for me...please I just need to talk to someone."

"Fine, how is your family?" His eyes widen and he puts his head down.

"Change the subject." It looks like I just reminded him of something. I wonder what but I decide to respect his boundaries.

"Then umm...what's your favorite color?" I'm horrible at making conversation.

"Blue what about you?"

"Red, since you asked me what do you do in your free time?"

"I like to sing and play my guitar!" He said as his face lit up. I sing a little too, myself but I wouldn't ever tell anyone that.


Hey guys I'm so sorry I haven't been posting but a lot has been happening with school and my Mom got hurt so I haven't been able to post :(

I hope you enjoyed love yall❤️

Have a good day/night! :)

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