Chapter 7

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Lance's POV

Keith slowly almost hesitantly let go. I missed his warmth. Pulling away is when I remembered why we were hugging in the first place. When I was hugging him I wasn't really paying attention to anything but him. I think we both needed that.

"Um." I said awkwardly not really knowing what to say.

"So um why were you here?" Keith asks he doesn't seem to saying it to pry but just out of curiosity. I look down.

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to." He says again he's being genuine.

"No it's okay. Um...well my sisters were in a car accident and they are here in critical condition." His face dropped.

"I'm sorry for asking but is that why you were acting nervous all day ran out of detention?" I nod.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it." I say I'm really worried and this is hard for me. I don't like showing my emotions at least when they're bad. I always try to act happy even if I'm not and smile as much as possible.

"If I may ask..." I hesitate but I can tell he knows what I'm going to ask and he tenses so I decide to change the subject not wanting to send him into an other panic attack or make him feel uncomfortable.

"Can I see more of your drawings sometime maybe? I really like the one with the wolf and the dagger. It's really pretty." I say shyly completely meaning it. It was truly beautiful.

His eyes go wide as his face goes a light shade of pink.


"Pleaaaaase?" I really did want to see them. He rolls his eyes.

"Fine but...can you s, never mind." I raise an eyebrow.

"Can I what?" He looks away and frowns.

"Nothing." I giggle and give him a look.

"Come on~! Just say it." He huffs.

"Fine can you sing for me again!" My eyes go wide. H-he wants to hear me sing? At this point we're both red from embarrassment.

"Y-you want to hear me sing again?" He looks away.

"Just forget it. It was a stupid thing to ask anyway."

"So you actually liked my singing?" I said starting to smile after singing I really started second guessing myself. I know he said he liked it but I thought he was just saying it to be nice. He hides his face behind his bangs. He always tends to do that when he's embarrassed. I think it's cute.

"Okay deal." I say flashing a smile.

"Really!" His eyes seemed to light up and I giggle.

"Sure and if you want you can come over to my house and I can play my guitar?" His eye somehow lit up even more.

Our conversation is interrupted by a knock on the door. Keith jumps slightly. The door opens revealing the doctor from earlier Dr. Shirogane.

"Good your up Keith."

"Hey Shiro you ready to head home?" Do they live together?

"Keith you have to go home."

"So your still working? Okay I'll just call Adam to come pick me up."

"Keith." The tall man says sternly I feel like I'm intruding.

"You know what I meant."

"That's not my home! And I'm not going back there!"

"Keith you have too."

Keith's POV

"No I don't!"

"Did you call Ms"

"Yes! She said my only options are to go back to the group home or to move across the country and that's not an option!" This is pissing me off I can't go back there! Look at what happened I can't go back at least not tonight.

"Why can't you and Adam foster me just until I age out!" This is when he started to look mad.

"Can we please not talk about this right now Keith! I'm at work and that boy is here!"

"Just tell me why and I can leave!"

"Will you go home?"

"I'll find somewhere to stay." I'm still pissed.

"We tried everything Keith but they won't let us. They just won't let a gay couple foster or adopt. You know we wanted to and we still do but we can't. But you need to go home Keith I don't want anything to happen to you. I'm sorry but I have to go back to work." And with that he left. I got up and grabbed my stuff. I took the bag with my clothes in it to the bathroom. As walked out after changing Lance was standing in front of the door. I was so mad I completely forgot Lance was in the room.

"I'm sorry for what just happened." He looked sad.

"No don't apologize. I don't know the details but I'm guessing you're not going back home or "home" so where are you going to stay?"

"I don't know I don't have money so on the streets or something?" I go to walk out but he tugs my sleeve.


"What?" The hell does he mean "no"?

"I said no I can't let you sleep on the streets. I can take you to my house and you can stay there. I have some extra clothes for you to barrow. Feel free to shower or do whatever. We should have an extra toothbrush that hasn't been opened." My eyes are wide.

"We just met today you don't even know me why would you care? And what about your sisters?" His eyes go wide for a second but he then pulls my out of the room to the waiting room.

"Lance thank god you scared me I couldn't find you any where!" I stand behind him. He holds my hand keeping me there incase I try to run.

"I'm sorry Mama but something happened and my friend needs a place to stay. Can I take him back home with me?" Friend?

"Of course he can stay as long as he needs." She smiles sweetly. Only a mother can smile like that. I feel a pit grow in my stomach at the exchange. Just the worry and relief on her face when she found her son. That's something I never experienced and watching it I don't really know how to react.

"Thank you and can you please let me know if we get an update?"

"Of course get there safe alright?"

"We will." He smiles and pulls me out the door to a blue rusty pick up truck. I wonder why he said we're friends I wanted to tell him we weren't but I decided not to.

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