Chapter 6

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⚠️trigger warning panic attack and mention of death⚠️

Trigger warning ahead

Keith's POV

I wake up in a cold sweat. My breathing is heavy as tears slide down my cheeks. I continue to silently cry without taking in my surroundings. My nightmares have been getting worse it's like every time I close my eyes I see that house. The flames pouring out the windows. I can hear the screams of the family and the neighbors. I'm so pathetic and weak. My dad died for that family and I'm here cowering in fear crying to myself in the middle of the night.

There are footsteps in the hallway and I flinch as I hold my breath. My tears continue as I tremble. The footsteps disappear and I let out the breath I was holding. Flashes of what happened earlier start running through my head as my breathing picks up. I hear movement beside me and I try to jump away. Feeling the pain from the beating I just got.

"Keith?" A faint voice says. It sounds familiar but I can't think to know who it is. All I know is I don't want it there. Who ever this is they are not welcome.

"Hey shh shh." The mysterious person coos.

I feel something touch me and quickly jerk away. I begin to hyperventilate.

"Hey it's okay I'm not going to hurt you. Breath just breath. Here lay down alright and try to catch your breath do you want the light on?" I do as the voice says still wary about trusting it.


"Shh okay you don't need to finish that just focus on breathing alright?" That's what I do. I want the light on just so I can know who is behind the voice. To see if they are to be trusted.

The light flicks on and my eyes take a second to adjust. I then see a familiar Cuban boy. He looks tired and...worried? No he isn't worried about me is he? No definitely not.

He steps over to me hesitantly. As he draws closer my breathing slowly picks up.

"Hey shhh your safe alright I won't hurt you okay? I promise alright I'm hear okay? Shh your okay everything is okay your safe. Breath okay breath. What helps you when this happens?"

"Music b-but I-I don't h-have my p-phone o-or headp-phones" I strangled out.

He seemed to think for a second. Before slowly walking next to me sitting in the chair beside me. He then digs through his pockets.

"Damn." He says under his breath. I continue struggling to breathe.

Trigger warning ended (lance is the one singing for people who skipped)

"Is it okay if I s-sing you a song? I'm sorry if you don't like it but it's the only thing I can think of." I don't respond.

"Okay Imma take that as a yes then?" He takes a deep breath.

"Your alone, your on your own so what? Have you, gone blind? Have you forgotten what you have and what is yours?" His voice is smooth and soothing he sounds broken but beautiful.

"Glass half empty, glass half full. Well either way you won't be going thirsty. Count your blessings not your flaws." His voice is so soothing I feel my nerves start to relax. My breathing starts to slow and I start catching my breath.

"You've got it all. You've lost your mind in the sound. There's so much more you can reclaim your crown. Your in control rid of the monsters inside your head. Put all your faults to bed. You can be king again." I feel so relax I am finally breathing normally. My tears have slowed.

"You don't get what all this is about. Your too wrapped up in your self doubt. You've got that young blood set it free." I look up at him. His eyes are closed and he looks so peaceful and free. I feel a smile. I could tell him I'm fine now but I want to keep listening.

"You've got it all. You lost your mind in the sound. There's so much more. You can reclaim your crown. Your in control rid of the monsters inside your head. Put all your faults to bed. You can be king. There's method in my madness. There's no logic in your sadness. You don't gain a single thing from misery. Take it from me. You've got it all. You lost your mind in the sound. There's so much more. You can reclaim your crown." I feel my cheeks get warm. I shake it away.

"You're in control rid of the monsters inside your head. Put all your faults to bed. You can be king. You've got it all. You've lost your mind in the sound. There's so much more you can reclaim your crown. You're in control rid of the monsters inside your head. Put all your faults to bed. You can be king again."

He slowly opens his eyes. A light blush is dusting his cheeks.

"Sorry I know it's not great." I hesitantly hug him.

"Thank you Lance. For being here and for the song I loved it." I say happily.

Lance's POV

He hugs me.

"Thank you Lance. For being here and for the song I loved it." He sounds so happy. He's so cute. He almost reminds me of a shy puppy.

I hug him back tightly careful not to hurt him or reopen any wounds. My face goes sad. When I turned on the light. His face, when I saw it, I felt my heart shatter. He looked broken and I hated it. I wonder what is causing him all this pain. Does it have to do with why he's here in the first place?  And who would do this to him? He was beaten so bad he had to get so many stitches. And the doctor was struggling to make sure he got all of the glass out of his stomach AFTER HE WAS STABBED. Who the hell could do that! It pisses me off. This clearly wasn't an accident. This had to be caused by someone. I wake up from my thought as he lets go. I pull away and try me best to smile at him and not pay attention to his cuts and bruises.

"So where did you learn that song?"

"Well I-I used to listen to it all the time. I still do I always felt connected to it. And whenever my siblings or anyone in my family is upset I sing to them and that's the song my sister always wants me to sing. She and my Mama love when I sing that to them it always seems to cheer them up."

"I'm sorry." He says putting his head down.

"For what?"

"For bothering you and making you feel obligated to cheer me up." I hate how he doubts himself.

"No I helped because I wanted to not because I felt obligated. And you don't need to worry about that, that would never bother me. I'm just glad your okay."

"Are you sure it's okay?"

"What's okay?"

"You singing me the song."

"Of course why wouldn't it be?"

"With that being your family's thing and all."

"Listen Keith it's fine okay so just calm down and stop worrying okay?" He just nods.

He looks up at me. His face turns a slight shade of pink.

"Is it okay if I h-hug you again?" I giggle and pull him into another hug. He hugs me tightly.

"Can we stay like this for a little bit?" My cheek flush taking a light shade of red. Lindo.

"Of course."

The song is King by: Lauren Aquilina
Lindo I believe means cute or cutie
I hope y'all enjoyed love y'all! <3

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