Chapter 1

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I woke up to see darkness around me. Where am I? I got up out of the bed I had been laying in and stepped onto the cold hardwood floor. I walked to the door to the room. I hesitated before I placed my hand in the handle. "Ow!" I cried and jerked my hand back. The handle was really hot and burnt my hand. I looked around the room and heard something crackle. I turned back to the door and noticed a orange glow coming from underneath the door. My breath caught in my throat. I noticed the air had become thicker and stung my throat. A fire! I walked to the other side of the room to a large pair of french doors. I opened them and stepped onto a balcony. I walked to the other side and looked down. It was a long drop. 70 feet at least. "Ohhh." I cried. "Just jump!" A voice shouted. "I'll catch you!" It shouted again. I held my breath, shut my eyes, and climbed on top of the railing. I opened my eyes one last time and closed them before jumping off to my certain doom.

"Wah!" I screamed. I shot up straight in my bed. I panted as I looked around frantically. The door opened leaving a long stretch of light crossing my room. "May? What's wrong?" I looked over and saw the five boys that were my best friends. The five boys that all pitched in to help raise me from a decently young age even though they were decently young themselves. Maybe I should explain more.

My name's May. I never learned what my last name is. All I know is I'm 18 and my parents left me here when I was 10. These boys had been my best friends since I was 9, so I was glad my parents had ditched me here. The oldest of the boys was Colden who was 22. Next was Mitch who was 21. Avi (pronounced Auvi) who was 20. Kevin who was 19. And finally Scott who was 18. Scott and I always stuck together. We felt like twins considering we were the youngest and the same age. Colden was kind of like the horrible, annoying dad. Mitch helps to make sure none of us gets hurt. Avi was the jokester. He never could keep us from having a laugh a day. Kevin was the one who always made sure I was happy. Then there was Scott, but I already told you about him. These boys helped raise me and I kinda help them considering there mom is a stupid slut and there dad didn't give a crap about them. We cared about each other like I was their real sister and they were my real brothers.
They all filed into my room and sat around me on my bed. "You okay May?" Kevin asked. I nodded. "You sure?" Mitch asked. I nodded again. "Wanna hear a joke to cheer you up?" Avi asked. "Not right now Avi." I whispered. "Never thought I'd hear the day May refused one of Avi's jokes." Colden said laughing. We all glared at him. "Sorry." He said. Scott crawled over and hugged me. "What happened?" He asked. "Same bad dream." I muttered. The boys all looked at me. "Again?!" Kevin asked. I nodded. Colden sighed. "Rock paper scissors for who's gonna stay with her." Colden said getting up and leaving. We all looked at each other and laid down. "Goodnight May." Scott said. "Goodnight Scott." I said. "Goodnight May." Kevin said. "Night Avi." I muttered. "Hey!" Kevin called. "Sorry. Night Kevin." I said. "Night May." Mitch said. "Goodnight everyone!" I said. "Goodnight!" They called back. Oh yeah. I forgot to mention. My 'brothers' are vampires.

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