Chapter 2

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"Scott! Where are you!?" I cried. "May! Get back here!" Colden yelled. "I've gotta find Scott first!" I called back. I heard coughing close by. "Scott!?" I called. I found him laying down in the fiery blaze. "Scott!" I yelled. He looked up at me as I kneeled next to him. I looked at his soot covered face and looked down. "No." I whispered. I saw a long, small branch sticking out of him. "Scott." I whispered. "I guess it doesn't have to be a wooden stake to the heart." He said. "Stop. You're not Avi." I said. He looked at me again. "May. You need to go back." He said quietly. "No. I'm not leaving you here to die. You're my best friend. More than that. You're my brother." I said choking back the tears. "May!" Avi shouted. I heard a crack and looked up to see a fiery tree branch fall and hurtle towards me.

I gasped and sat up. I looked at all the boys sitting around me. I didn't see Scott. My breath caught in my throat. I felt myself panicking and I began to cry. I heard the door open and looked over. "May. What's wrong?" A voice asked. "Scott!" I screamed. I jumped up and ignored the groans of protest as I ran over and jumped into Scott's arms. "Woah. What's wrong flower?" He asked. Scott had called me flower for a nickname ever since we were little and he heard Mitch say something about May flowers. "I had a bad dream." I cried into his shoulder. "Okay." Scott said. He picked me up and carried me back to bed. He flopped me down and I felt something hard underneath me. "Hey!" Mitch called. "It was his fault!" I said pointing at Scott. The boys all laughed and tackled me on the bed. "Get off me. I can't breath." I said. They all crawled off and sat by me. "How many is that tonight?" Scott asked. "Two." I muttered. The boys all looked at me. "What we're they about?" Kevin asked. "A fire." I said. "Don't worry. It'll be alright. We're right here." Mitch said. We all laid back down and drifted off onto a dreamless sleep.

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