Chapter 4

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The picture is of what Avi generally looks like.☆

"Avi!" I yelled. "What?" He called. "I want you to see how this looks!" I shouted. I heard him groan and he walked up the stairs. "What did you want me to see?" He asked as he entered my room. "Okay. Mitch and I have been working in this all afternoon. Ready to see....Transylvania!" I said as I pulled off the cotton sheet that covered my project. "Woah." Avi said his jaw dropping. Before us stood a giant cardboard castle with gargoyles, bats, and even a few monsters. "How did you even come up with this idea?" Avi asked. "Well I was told it could be something historical on the past of your family. Since you're the only family I remember and your vampires I thought maybe it's time to get mystical." I said. "But what if there's no such thing as Transylvania?" Avi asked. "Oh there is it just doesn't look like this. This is what I think it looked like back in medieval times." I explained. Avi nodded and looked at me. "You know. I think you've got a great imagination. Just don't let the teachers throw you down." Avi said. I laughed. "I'm serious." Avi said. "Wait. What?" I asked. "I'm being serious. Scott told me the teachers judge you by what your parents did." Avi said. "What did my parents do?" I asked. I didn't really remember my parents. I guess I kinda pushed them out of my memory since they ditched me. "They ditched you." Avi said unconvincingly. "Avi?" I pushed. He sighed and looked around. "What did they do?" I asked again. He hesitated for a moment while looking around. "Okay. Don't tell the others I told you this because you're not supposed to know." Avi said. I nodded and walked over to Avi so he wouldn't have to talk so loudly. "Your parents were uh...they were. Well your mom was a witch and your dad was a wizard." Avi finally said. My jaw dropped. "So wait. If my parents were a witch and wizard what does that make me?" I asked. Avi shrugged and looked at me sadly. "They got in trouble. Got discovered. That's why they left you here. Didn't want you getting hurt." Avi murmured. My breath picked up. "Avi. What happened to my parents?" I asked frantically. Avi shrugged. "Nobody knows for sure. Some say they were caught and hung. Others say they got away. Either way they probably won't ever come back." Avi said sadly. I walked backwards shaking my head. "No. No!" I shouted. "May quiet down." Avi whispered. "No!" I shouted again. I fell backwards and landed hard on the ground hitting my head on the wall behind me. I began to cry uncontrollably from the pain not only in my head, but also in my heart. "M!" Avi shouted running towards me. He pulled me into a hug. I heard running into the room. "What's wrong?" Scott asked. "She fell and hit her head." Avi said. The boys all had moment to calm me down and I did. They began walking out, but I grabbed Avi's hand. "Don't go." I whispered. He sat down next to me. "Thanks for telling me the truth." I murmured. "Your welcome." He said. I leaned my head against his shoulder and I guess I fell asleep. I woke up in my bed with Avi next to me. I snuggled up next to him and he wrapped an arm around me. "Night M." He mumbled. "Night Avi." I whispered before dozing off again.

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