Chapter 11

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I woke up screaming. I felt tears and sweat running down my face. I kept screaming, hoping someone would hear me.

I heard pounding feet running to my room. I began to panic as I kept crying and screaming. I felt the walls closing in on me and I jumped as the door opened.

Five figures ran into the room. I looked around as they surrounded me. I shrank back into my blankets.

"May. It's alright." A voice said. I looked at the boy with short black hair.

"What happened Baby girl?" I looked over to see a man with longish, red hair.

I stared at him. He looked young and I felt like giggling at the sight of his hair falling into his eyes.

"Did you almost fall out of your bed Clumsy?" I saw a boy with swept back dark brown hair like mine.

"Please talk to us flower." A boy with blonde hair said.

I looked around a realized one boy had said nothing at all. He had long brown hair and at slight beard.

I crawled out of my covers and over to him. I managed to pull myself up to my knees and I wrapped my arms around his neck to keep from falling. He wrapped his around me and I heard him chuckle.

"It's alright M." He said. I held onto him for dear life. "Avi. I think you should stay in here with her." The blonde said.

Avi nodded and the rest of them left silently.

I crawled under the covers and felt Avi crawl in beside me. He wrapped an arm around me and I snuggled into his warmth.

I woke up and looked around. I was alone, but I could smell something really good. I hopped up and walked downstairs.

"Hey sleeping beauty." Scott said. They all had breakfast eaten and there was one plate left.

"Thanks for waiting." I said. "Our pleasure." Mitch said. I smiled and grabbed the leftover plate. I ate my breakfast quickly and went back upstairs.

I walked into my room and looked around. "Hunter?" I asked. I heard a soft meow. "Where are you?" I asked. "I'm over here." He said. I laughed at his small, high pitched voice. It was adorable.

I walked over to my dresser and picked out something to wear. I got dressed and went back downstairs.

Nobody was around, so I thought of having something to drink.

My mind settled on milk. I was just about to go get it when I remembered I didn't have to.

I thought hard and soon a glass of milk came my way. I grabbed it and took a long drink.

"May? Was that glass floating?" I turned around and saw Scott standing behind me.

"No. You're just seeing things Scooter." I said.

He saw me. Shit.

He shrugged and walked past me. I sighed of relief and decided next time I need to make sure nobody was around.

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